Chapter Nine

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"Hello..." I said, my voice full of uncertainty.

Kody's deep voice filled my ears "I'm coming to pick you up."

I widened my eyes in confusion. "I already told you I can't, Kody. I'll call you when I'm finished-"

"You didn't tell me you were at Bodley. Do you know what type of neighborhood you're in?"

He had a point.

"Calm down, there's literally twelve of us here. And you act like I chose the park."

"You're in the park. The very dangerous park while you're carrying my child. I'm bound to have some worries."

The possesiveness in his tone when he spoke about the baby made my stomach flip but I pushed it to the back of my mind. "I'm not putting the baby in any danger. I'm not putting myself in any danger. It's broad daylight. I'll call you later."

There was silence and then... "I'll see you in ten minutes."

He hung up the phone and I frowned staring at the blank screen.

"That was so cute." Macy said with a huge smile on her face.

I rolled my eyes. "He's coming here. He didn't listen." I took a deep breath. "Stella is going to murder me."

Macy shook her head. "Screw Stella." she grabbed her phone back sliding it into her pocket."Come on. Let's go and make an excuse."

We walked over to where Stella stood together.

"Macy, Ezra, the leaves aren't finished."

Macy placed a hand on her hip. "I gotta go, Stells. Jamie has an emergency. I have to go with him."

That was a good excuse.

Stella widened her eyes. "Oh, sure no problem. Let him know that Zeta Phi is thinking of him." she said shooing Macy off.

Once Macy walked off (sending me a sneaky thumbs up), Stella turned to me.

"Can I help you, Ezra?"

I shifted my feet, wincing when I realized it made me look nervous. "I have to go too." I said trying to sound serious.

"Yeah right." Stella replied crossing her arms.

"I do." I argued, standing my ground. "I have a doctors appointment. I'm getting birth control and this is the only opening they have for months."

Stella eyed me. She knew I was lying, but there was nothing she could do about it.

"Fine. I expect to see forms."

I nodded my head deciding that I would deal with that problem when I had to.

Walking towards the parking lot I forced myself to relax. Kody was going to pick me up and we were going to talk like we were supposed to.

I was going to ignore all of the things I felt whenever he looked at me a certain way, because I was resposible.

And having a second affair with my baby's father would not be responsible.

When he pulled up to the park he had a scowl on his face. He was dressed in a basketball jersey and sweatpants. I assumed he had just gotten out of bed.

He put the car in park, walking around to open the door for me. I looked at him with a raised brow.

He didn't look me in the eyes. Instead he scanned the park, slamming the door when I was sat in the passenger's seat.

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