Chapter Forty Three

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The next morning, Macy came over.

Kody was in the shower when I heard nonstop pounding on my door.

I used the peephole, and opened the door to find an enraged Macy standing on the opposite side with a large bouquet of lilies.

"Good morning sunshine." I said sarcastically, stepping aside so that she could come in.

"Jamie's going to murder me, Ezra." She said calmly as she set the bouquet on my countertop. She snatched a small white card out of her pocket and handed it to me. "Or he's going to murder him."

I raised a brow in confusion before reading the neat sentence scrawled on the card.

'Macy, your phone made for an interesting read.  -Luca R.'

My heart dropped as I quickly looked at Macy. "Where did he leave them?"

She clenched her teeth. "At Zeta Phi. Stella brought them to me this morning with an evil little smirk. She's going to tell Jamie that I'm cheating on him."

I rolled my eyes, irritated at even the mention of Stella's name. "That means he knows where you live. He got into your phone."

She narrowed her eyes. "I had nudes in that phone, Ezra. Who the fuck is this guy?"

I hesitated briefly, not wanting Kody to walk in on me speaking. "I'm not sure Macy, but I know he's dangerous. If you see him around, walk the other way."

I knew her, if she saw Luca around, she was going to give him a piece of her mind.

"He still has my phone." She said raising her chin.

I deadpanned. "He still has his gun too."

She rolled her eyes. "Okay, Ezra. I'll leave it alone. I'll leave Luca alone. But I want to know the full story."

When I simply arched a brow, she placed her hands on her hips. "Don't try and bullshit me. This guy had a gun. I want to know what's the deal."

I sighed. It was time for me to choose my battles.

"I'll tell you everything I know." I whispered. "But it has to wait until after Kody leaves."

She pouted but agreed nonetheless. When Kody opened the door to the bathroom, we switched the conversation completely.

"What are you two talking about?" He asked, his eyes going to me.

I opened my mouth to spout some stupid lie but Macy beat me to it.

"Ezra agreed to the gender reveal party. " she said excitedly. "We're just ironing out some details."

Kody smiled, his eyes lighting up. "Really?"

Damn he looked so happy. It was nice since he'd looked so tense for the past couple of days.

"Yeah, really." I said quickly, sending Macy a glare.

That was all the push she needed, "So I'm going to go with you guys to your appointment on Wednesday. The doctor will give me an envelope with the gender. I'll start planning the perfect reveal right now."

Kody raised a brow. "What? You brought her some flowers to celebrate?"

Shit. How did we forget about the huge ass bouquet.

Macy simply rolled her eyes. "Mind your business Kody."

He chuckled walking to the couch to put his shoes on.

"You gonna stay with her today?" He asked casually.

"I can't." Macy said. "I have an interview and then Stella's making us go to some charity thing at Alpha Phi Nu."

I frowned at the mention of Jaxon's fraternity.

Kody turned to me. "So where are you gonna be?"

"I have work later. I was going to spend some time with Jamie and his brother."

That seemed a good enough answer for Kody. He grabbed his keys and wallet off of the counter before turning to me.

"I'll pick you up from Jamie and take you to work. Call me when your ready."

He leaned down, quickly connecting our lips. I was caught off guard. We'd been fighting, we never really resolved our personal issues before the whole Luca situation came up.

Shock didn't stop me from latching on to the front of his shirt and pulling him closer against me.

I thought about what he was planning on doing all day, and how dangerous it was.

When Macy cleared her throat, I pulled back, my grip on his shirt loosened reluctantly.

I didn't want to let him leave.

"Be careful, Kody."

He smiled giving me a soft peck. "I will. Call me."

I let him go as he took a step back sending an annoyed look to my best friend. "Macy."

She smiled brightly, obliviously. "Kody."


"So you're telling me, if I just walk into Lucky's tonight I can see you half naked?" Alan asked, his gaze not moving from the flatscreen in his living room.

"I'm telling you, if you walk into Lucky's tonight I'm going to have security toss you out." I replied carelessly.

I had a bowl of vanilla ice cream in my lap and I couldn't be happier. 

"You can't do that." He said carelessly.

I didn't bother responding. Instead I turned back to Jamie. "So how's the apartment search going?"

He groaned dramatically. "Not the best, Ezra. I don't know how you got such a good deal on your studio, because the price range for that area is astronomical."

Here we go again. "I got a private owner." I said brushing the question off. "Your girlfriend is forcing me to have a gender reveal party, I'm blaming you for it."

he looked offended. "How is that my fault?"

I shrugged. "Well, if you were keeping her busy she wouldn't have time to try and force me into doing things."

He widened his eyes. "Did you just insult my sex life?"

Alan chuckled sending his brother a quick grin. "I can give you some tips anytime bro. All you have to do is ask."

Jamie groaned "Why do you encourage him. Anyways, what's the problem with a gender reveal?"

There wasn't really a probem since I'd decided to find out the gender. "I just don't want her to go overboard." I poked him in the chest, "It's your job to make sure she doesn't. "

He grabbed my hand pushing it away from him. "Yeah, we'll see." He waited a beat. "Are you going to talk about your whole strange visitor problem?"

Jamie didn't know the full story. All he knew was that some guy had forced his way into my apartment asking for Kody. He didn't know about the drugs or the gun and I couldn't tell him about Luca being a stalker towards Macy.

I was leaving that up to her.

"Nothing to say. Kody's going to take care of it today so you can relax before you get worry lines."

He didn't relax. "I can't help but feel like you're hiding something. Whatever happened to Stephen Miller?" His eyes were narrowed suspiciously.

"Kody's lawyer thinks I should settle since all he did was grab me. We most likely won't make any charges stick. "

I was upset about that but I wasn't surprised.

"Settle for what?" Jamie asked.

"Ten thousand and a restraining order. We're trying to get some community service tossed in."

Jamie frowned. "I guess rich people are all assholes."

I scooped more of my ice cream "Yeah."

Alan,seeing as his best friend was fiflthy rich, shouted a slew of profantity at us.

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