Chapter Forty Six-Part One

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💀Kody Vincent💀

"Still no sign of him?"

King handed me a shot glass full of dark liquor. "No sign. The pawnshop is empty, has been for days."

I downed the drink, ignoring the bitter taste. "Okay, so we wait him out. He has to be baiting us."

Luca hadn't been seen in two weeks. There'd been no contact, no threats, no spotting. It was making me jumpy.

King nodded tossing me my car keys.  "I'll keep a look out. We need to go right now if we don't want to be late."

I sat the cup down on the counter. He was right Ezra would kill me if I was even a second late to our gender reveal party. 

I had to give it to Macy. She had somehow figured out a way to plan a party in a week and a half. Even if it was horrible, it would be impressive.

I glanced at King who was dressed sharply in a pink button up. "You think it's a girl?" I questioned rising from the seat and heading to the door.

He shrugged. "It would serve you right for stealing Ava Burgess from me."

I smiled, remembering the huge crush he'd had on Ava my freshman year of college. He'd been some nerdy high school senior willing to do her homework and drive her around town. She used him up and then tossed him away before setting her sights on me.

King had practically challenged me to a duel when it went around school that I had apparently broken her heart.

It was how we became best friends actually.

Because I was getting a sense of deja vu, I raised a brow. "Is that whats going on here, King? Another Ava Burgess situation?"

He was silent for a while as we walked to my car and that spoke volumes. I frowned. Ezra was not Ava and I wasn't going to take kindly to King being obsessed with her.

"I'm not in love with Ezra." He finally said after a while. "I care about her, in a completely platonic way." He added when I met his eyes.

I relaxed pulling my drivers door open and sliding into the seat.

Assuming the conversation was over King slid into the passengers seat, slamming the door.

"I am, by the way." I said quietly starting the car.

King pulled a lever pushing the seat back into a more cofortable position before lazily turning to me. "You're what?"

I sighed, finally saying the words that had been blasting through my head all week. "I'm in love with Ezra. "

King being King, simply nodded


Macy had actually outdone herself. We'd decided to throw the part at my dad's house since it was the biggest thing we could get short notice.

Everyone was there. My dad wearing a blue t-shirt, Aiden in Pink and Rory in blue. Sin showed up in pink along with Ghost. A couple of my friends mingled with a couple of the girls from Ezra's sorrority and Jamie was in charge of music.

The house was decorated fully in pinks and blues. I was actually impressed that Macy could be so organized considering her personality.

As soon as I walked throught the door she pinned me down. She wore a pink and blue fluffy skirt and a wide evil smile.

"About time you showed up." She said grabbing me by the arm and dragging me to the kitchen.

I panicked. "I'm on time-" I checked my watch. "I'm five minutes early."

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