Chapter Twenty Nine

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I woke up to someone knocking on my door. The room was slightly dark, indicating that it was early in the morning.

I moved to reach for my phone, freezing when the movement had Kody shifting in my bed.
I held my breath as my thoughts raced back to last night.

His arm was draped over his face covering everything except his mouth. I quickly shifted my eyes before my judgement clouded.

Feeling awkward I rose from the bed, pulling on a robe before snatching the door open.

I had been expecting Sin or Jamie. Everyone had left their keys at my house yesterday since they were so obviously drunk.

It was probably a good thing that it wasn't either of them because it would have been kind of hard to explain Kody sleeping comfortably in my bed.

The man on the other side of my door was tall and professional looking. He held a briefcase in one hand and a cellphone in the other.

He looked slick, his hair a chestnut brown gelled back, his facial hair nicely trimmed.

I narrowed my eyes. "Can I help you?" I asked closing the door a bit. I didn't know this man and I assumed he had the wrong apartment.

"Ezra Lewis?" He asked lowering his phone and meeting my eyes.

I froze, suddenly nervous.

He took that as an answer sending me a quick smile. "I represent Mr. Stephen Miller. Is it okay if we have a quick discussion."

My temper flared at the name. I had somehow forgotten all about the situation with Stephen Miller and I damn sure didn't expect to be discussing it today.

"Ah, I need to get dressed." I said lamely.

The man just nodded. "Take your time. I need to make a phone call anyways."

I nodded awkwardly before slamming the door in his face and rushing to the bathroom.

"Who was that?" Kody asked causing me to nearly have a heart attack.

"Lawyer." I answered closing the bathroom door so I didn't have to answer anymore questions.

I was washing my face when the curtain was yanked open.

"Shit!" I shouted burning my eyes. "Ever heard of privacy Vincent?"

He ignored me as I rinsed my eyes.

"Why is there a lawyer at your door?" He asked.

Since I wanted his support I told him the truth. "He represents Stephen Miller. He wants to have a discussion."

I saw his expression change quickly before he nodded. "Fine. We'll have a discussion."

I knew he expected me to argue but I had no arguments. I wanted him there. "Fine. Can I finish my shower."

He shrugged closing the curtain.

Seven minutes later I was dressed in a crew neck and sweats.

The man was scrolling through his phone comfortably sat in one of my bar stools. Kody leaned against the counter on the other side of him.

"Ms. Lewis." The man rose to greet me. "Adam K. Fields. I informed you that I represent Mr. Miller."

I stood next to Kody because it felt right. He tossed his arm over my shoulders as if it was something he did constantly.

"You wanted to have a discussion before court?"

I sounded confident because I had practiced what I would say in the shower.

Adam laughed softly, seemingly at some private joke. "We both know this isn't going to go to court, Ms. Lewis."

Kody tightened his hold on me but I spoke before he could interrupt. "Looks like you wasted your time coming here then."

He brushed me off pulling a crisp white envelope from his jacket pocket. " I wanted to discuss a settlement." He paused taking a brief look at my apartment. "This is a check for five thousand dollars."

Kody spoke now, his voice low and dangerous. "Get the fuck out of her place."

Adam didn't even spare him a glance. "The check is yours Ms. Lewis, provided you drop all charges and sign an NDA."

I narrowed my eyes. "I'd like you to leave, Mr. Fields."

He looked surprised. Slowly he slid the envelope back in his jacket. "I can assure you that I won't make this offer again. Once I leave the deal is off of the table."

I didn't budge. "I'll see you in court."

Temper still didn't cloud his features. He just looked confused. "I'm really good at my job, you might want to remember that."

Kody released me now, taking a step towards Adam before I grabbed his arm. "You're not really good at threats, I'm better. If you don't get the fuck out of her apartment-"

"Kody." I stopped him before he could threaten a lawyer and end up in court himself. "Mr. Fields, leave."

He held his hands up in surrender. "I'll leave my card in case you change your mind."

"You can speak to her lawyer."

Both me and Adam K. Fields were surprised by this news.

He fixed his tie. "I wasn't aware that she had a lawyer."

Kody shrugged. "Reece Morningstar, look him up."

Adam raised a brow. "I know Mr. Morningstar."

He wasn't looking at me now, he was studying Kody.

"Great, then you don't have look him up. Your window to leave on your own accord is closing, counselor."

Adam stared a second more before storming out my front door.

"What the hell was that?" I asked as my door slammed shut."

Kody ran his hands through his hair. "What? He was an asshole, shit I gotta call my dad."

"I'm not using your lawyer, Kody."

"Why not." He said casually slipping his shoes on. "He's really good."

I crossed my arms. Kody had no common sense when it came to these things. He didn't understand how it felt to be given things because he'd always had things. And I didn't want to get into an argument that he'd no doubt win with logic.

"Fine Kody, call your dad. I need to make some calls too."

I didn't, it just seemed like the thing to say.

"Great." He had his keys in his hands already. "Let me know if he comes back."

I nodded handing him his sweater.

"Kiss me goodbye, Ezra."

He said it so casually that I found myself smirking before gripping his collar and pulling his lips down to meet mine.

What the hell was I getting myself into?

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