Prologue: She's home

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"Huh? Can you repeat that?" the recently returned Naruko asked. Her brow in a frown and her arms crossed.

Her teammates, Sasuke and Sakura stood alongside the Hokage Tsunade in the Hokage's office. Jiraiya just as confused as his apprentice as Tsunade rubbed the knot on her neck. "Kakashi is.....unavailable" Tsunade started off.

"He's been on leave for almost four months now Naruko. Katsumi ended the relationship horribly when he walked in on Katsumi sleeping with another man in their apartment. Saying something along the lines of not being affectionate enough to her publicly, only within the confines of either of their homes and recently being deprived of....intimacy"

Sakura, taking over her master "Kakashi-sensei, a year and a half after you left,finnaly said the three big words to Katsumi and moved in with sensei during the second year. But as soon as they moved in with each other that was when they went downhill. Kakashi-sensei tried to talk to her to reduce the nights she went out to party, with Katsumi digging her claws where they don't belong"

Naruko looked at them strangely. "Didn't I warned you all not to let him progress with her further?" they all lost her gaze now. Sighing she went on "Where is he now?" she eyed Sasuke, Sakura and Tsunade. "Please tell me you didn't leave the moron all by himself?!!" Naru exploded throwing back her arms, she groaned in irritation. "How low has he fallen?!" questioning with uncrontrolled anger.

"If he hasn't recovered within the next two or three months, I'll have to proceed with a forced retirement. Trust us Gaki, we've tried to talk to him or get him to live a little with his friends but all he does is stay in his apartment all day and goes to the memorial stone at night. Among other hobbies he's taken up on. Katsumi has moved in with her new lover and hasn't seen Kakashi since" Tsunade explained with a tired sigh.

Naru looked out the window to the sunny afternoon that fell upon Konoha and released another sigh. "Katsumi...." The blond started. "Only wanted Kakashi as an accesory, hoping to get a ring on her finger" She explained, Sasuke nodded in agreement and Sakura only released an 'ahh' in remembrance.

"Yes that is right, you told Kakashi about this yet he didn't listen except Sakura and I. In fact nobody listened and ignored your warnings until one day you stopped talking to everyone and apologised to Katsumi" Sasuke recalled. "Saying something like you were just being a worried student for Kakashi and they all believed you"

Sakura frowned. "They should have believed you Naruko, they should have trusted you! You aren't some gold-digging two face!"

Naru waved a hand dismissively. "It's fine, seriously, I guess everyone was just happy he was opening up...kinda"

Looking down at the desk she went on. "So he has a minimum of three months to get back on his feet" she let out, another sigh. This one exagerrated and irritated.

"I'd rather not force the man to retire. His shinobi skills are legendary, please Gaki, help us?" Tsunade's tone was pleading, indeed swallowing her pride down and asking her goddaughter to help with such a task.

"I was going to anyway" Naru answered uncrossing her arms.

"What do you have in mind dobe?" Sasuke asks curiously.

"What I do best teme, being myself...I'll see what I can do Baa-chan, it may not work but if I do things right....Teme and Sakura-chan would be able to help me in two weeks or so" narrowing her eyes she whacked her head.

"I'll take care of your stuff kid, get cracking so we can continue where we left off" Jiraiya grabbed Naru's bag. "Fiiiine" Naru whinned like she did when she was thirteen years old when they first met. She jumped out the window and Jiraiya bid Tsunade good bye and left aswel.

Tsunade rubbed her throbbing temple while Sakura and Sasuke smiled fondly at their teammate's antics. She's home. Naruko is back home.

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