Chapter 6: Past

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Six and half years ago:

Things were normal with Wang Yibo's life. He is the eldest son of Wang Zhui Li, a novelist and Wang Xienu, a business man. He has a younger brother named Wang Fanxing who has a little bratty personality. There is nothing to complain about Yibo since he is a good child and gentle friend, if there is something you can point on him it is the fact that he is the most family-oriented individual anyone can ever know. He priorities his family more than his own self like he always chooses to go home than to spend time with his friends because his thinking about his mother and his little brother who might need his help with his assignment or anything. If both encountered a problem or a conflict at the same time, he will surely choose to help his family than solve his own problem.

"Yibo-ge, wait for me." Little Fanxing grunted, pedaling his bicycle as fast as he can to reach his brother who is riding faster than him.

"Nope, if I win I will not help you with your assignment tonight." Yibo blurted out.

"That's unfair, you have long legs and I have short legs, you're definitely going to win this." Fanxing complained but Yibo just laughed and accelerated way ahead from his little brother whose doing his best to catch up on him but no matter how fast he pedals, he can't make it to Yibo's speed.

After 15 minutes, Fanxing arrived at the front of their house with Yibo standing there well rested. He's panting, catching his breath making him unable to say a thing. Yibo smiled while ruffling Fanxing's hair but the little boy, shove his hands away. Both of them entered their house and in just the entrance they can already hear their mother's voice, her editor Mr. Han and another unfamiliar voice. Both of them sneak a look to see who it was but their mother Zhui Li noticed them so she called their attention to come forward.

"Oh, Yibo, Fanxing, is that you?" Zhui Li asked, the two boys entered the living room awkwardly. Yibo saw the Editor of Zhui Li, Mr. Han and an unfamiliar face of a university student. He's tall with long legs, thin physique, beautiful face and what attracted him was his mole under his lower lips. He thought that it was located well and it enhanced the looks of its bearer. He also noticed that he's wearing the logo of Shinin University, located just near his high school. "Come, I will introduce to you to my new part time assistant." Zhui Li wave her hands calling the two boys. Yibo walk straight closer to their mother while Fanxing walk behind his big brother. "So, this is Xiao Zhan. He's a University Student taking Bachelor in Social Science." She introduced but she paused for a moment, then her eyes turned towards Xiao Zhan. "How old are you again?" Zhui Li asked Xiao Zhan who's standing silently on her other side.

"I'm 21, third year university student." Xiao Zhan introduced with his soothing voice that caught Yibo's attention in an instant. His voice suits his gentle face, it's comfortable in the ears. Since he saw the guy in front of him, he can't help staring at him. Usually he doesn't like to stare at others but right now, he can't help himself. Is it because his handsome? Is it because a new face to their house? His fixed glare stops when Xiao Zhan stared at him, they lock eyes for a second and he immediately turned his away thinking that it might bother the other since his staring at him for a while.

"These are my son, the eldest Wang Yibo who is currently on his last year in high school and this is Fanxing Grade..." Zhui Li paused. "What Grade is Fanxing?" she asked Yibo this time.

"I'm Grade 6." Fanxing replied instantly. "Mom always forget things about me, you only love Yibo-ge" He pouted, turned his back and went upstairs with heavy feet.

"Bu...but... I... I can't..." Zhui Li start to mumbled but Yibo patted her shoulder to calm her down. "I'm sorry, I..."

"It's alright mom, Fanxing is always like that, it's his habit. You can talk to him later again with his favorite juice." Yibo replied to her then he turned to Xiao Zhan who offered his hand to him. Shake hand is an adult way of greeting someone and his not use to it. He also reached his hand awkwardly towards the older guy and when their hands touch each other he felt something weird. He feels that there's an electricity that wake up his veins and also make his heart skip a beat.

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