Chapter 23: Crossroads

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Being called 'annoying', 'pain in the ass' and 'ugly' is hurtful but to be accused as someone who have bad motif in approaching Cheng is what irritates him. He has innocent and pure reason why he did that so how come Cheng interpreted it that way? But despite of those words thrown at him, giving up is not on Fanxing's vocabulary. He is determined to get Cheng's attention and soon be his boyfriend. He is the guy that he is looking for years, the reason why he is not dating anyone despite the fact that there are lots of people who wanted to win his heart. He's the only one who make him feel that twitching feelings and he knew that Cheng is the one meant for him.

Fanxing went to the kitchen to get some cold drinks when he saw his brother in the sofa and looking at some papers with his laptop on the table. Since they arrived, Yibo was so busy with Sanctuary but he doesn't complain about that, he was used to seeing his brother being hard working. Fanxing came closer to Yibo and sit down beside him.

"Yibo-ge, what are you working right now?" Fanxing asked.

"We're hiring part timers in Sanctuary, one for the main branch and two for the second branch and I'm looking at their resume." Yibo replied.

"Is it hard to manage a business?" Fanxing asked curiously. He was still in high school so its hard to tell what working adult's life is.

"Not really, at first of course it's hard but now that things are going well it was easier plus if you love what you are doing then it will not feel like a work." Yibo replied. Fanxing smiled then he peaked the resume and start looking at the applicants one after the other. There are ten applicants, three for main and seven for the second branch. As he flipped one after the other, Fanxing stop when he saw a familiar face among them.

"Yibo-ge." Fanxing called. "What is Guo Cheng applying for? What branch?" he asked curiously.

Yibo stared at Fanxing for a moment, it's obvious in Fanxing's eyes that he knew that Guo Cheng. "Main branch, the one near the kindergarten." the big brother replied. "Why? Do you know him?"

"Hire him." Fanxing told him all of a sudden. "Brother hire Guo Cheng in main branch." He said.

Yibo looks confused "Fanxing, I can't hire people unfairly, there are other two contestants." He defended but deep inside he was actually considering him since Yubin knew him as well but he still needed to see and interview him first if he is really suitable for the position. But it was a surprise to him that Fanxing know Guo Cheng. "Is he your classmate? He's attending same school as you are."

"Nope he's my senior." Fanxing replied happily while looking at Cheng's picture in the resume. He looked like a gangster in the picture because he's hair was brush up and he frowned like he was irritated to the cameraman for some reason. "Bro, if you hire Guo Cheng, I will be totally forever thankful to you because you're doing the best favor for your little brother. My great dear future will be in your hand, so make the best decision." He continued with a wide smile flashed on his face. "I need to sleep." Fanxing stood up but before he totally go back to his room, Yibo called his attention.

Since he found out that Xiao Zhan is teaching in Zhongshan High School where Fanxing is studying he actually wanted to asked him if he saw him in there. But Fanxing has vague memories of what happened in his life before the accident happened and he rarely remembers people that became part of his past so if ever he saw Xiao Zhan then he probably didn't recognize him at all. If he did, then he will surely tell it to him but he's not saying anything to him.

Yibo stop from asking. He's conscience kick in and thought it's better if he doesn't bother Xiao Zhan's life anymore. He finally moved on, he finally forget the fact that while he was alone in the US, Xiao Zhan found someone to replace him.

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