Incident 10: Hospitality

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Rays of sunshine beamed through the gaps in the curtain, giving a soft glow to the dark room. The light fell on Everly and her eyes fluttered open. She sat up on the bed, yawning and stretching.

It's morning already?

She got up from the bed and pulled open the curtains and the window, letting the fresh air into the room.

She had slept in her clothes and they were badly wrinkled. Her messy hair and shabby appearance would have made anyone frown. But even this morning appearance couldn't hide the delicate and pretty features of her face.

She dragged her feet towards the washroom to wash up. Surprisingly, there was a pair of toothbrush and toothpaste prepared for her. A clean towel was hung on one side. Everly nodded in approval.

"This guy knows some hospitality..."

After washing up, she went towards the exquisite vanity in the room and was pleasantly surprised to see a hair brush and some bottles of perfumes placed in the centre. At one corner, another bunch of bottles were placed. She opened them and took a sniff and was struck dumb for a second.

Are these beauty products?

That guy has really thought of everything. It's as if many women have stayed at his place a lot of times. Hmm...


Everly frowned at that thought. Anyways, she was happy at being treated so nicely as a guest. She brushed her hair and sniffed at the perfumes. She put on the one she liked. She didn't touch the beauty products as she had never used them even in her previous life.

She opened her room door and peered into the familiar hallway, now with curtains apart and less creepy. She went down the huge staircase and looked around the floor. She couldn't find any signs of Mason.

This house is too big!

Just as she gave up and plopped down on the lounge sofa, a cold voice spoke up from behind.

"Waking up at this hour. You're really treating this as your own home." Mason entered the lounge in causal clothes and gave her a glance. Last night, he had guests so he was wearing some fancy clothes. At this moment, his attire gave him a warm and homey feeling.

Everly even felt that he was looking less scary.

"I was looking all over the place for you! Where were you hiding?" She complained while showing a tired face.

"Doesn't matter where I was." He gave a short reply and walked out of the lounge, waving at her to follow him. Everly reluctantly stood up.

"Are you hungry?" Mason asked, out of the blue. Everly whipped her head towards him in surprise.

"Are you?" He gave her an impatient look seeing that she didn't answer him

"Ah? Yeah I am." She quickly replied. She hadn't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon. It wasn't wrong to say that she was starving.

They reached the dining hall and Everly was once again stunned by the interior designing. The dining table could accommodate twenty people. A beautiful chandelier was hung on the huge fall ceiling. One of the walls was build with windows and heavy embroidered curtains shielded them. The room screamed wealth.

"Your house is really pretty..." Everly mumbled in awe. Mason glanced at her and nodded. The two sat on the table and in front of them were a number of luscious dishes of food which left Everly salivating.

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