Apparition 5: To the Blue Lake!

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Everly looked at the reward in her hands and felt like laughing.

Do I really need to work now?

She skipped back to the Moon Peak Pavilion. After entering through the door, she caught sight of the earlier receptionist but he wasn't sitting idly like before. He was bowing respectively to an elderly man. He seemed like the owner of the shop. Everly looked at the old man and was startled at his buff appearance. She had seen Blacksmith's in her previous life with strong and sturdy physiques but this old man looked like he could toss an Olympic Weight lifting champion right out of the window.

Sensing her arrival, the old man and the receptionist turned their heads towards the door. The receptionist frowned when he recognised her.

"What are you doing here again?" He couldn't help but say out loud. The old man gave him a glance. His gaze was so over-bearing that the receptionist looked down as he felt his powerful aura pressing down on him.

"S-Sorry Master H-Hans"

He narrowed his eyes at Everly. Why did she have to choose to come now?

Master Hans nodded and turned back to Everly and curiously eyed her. A Blacksmith shop wasn't a place where young girl would often choose to come.

Everly gave a dissatisfied look to the receptionist. She still hasn't forgotten how he gave her incomplete information.

"Didn't you say that you were hiring? Of course I'm here for that job."

Before the receptionist could come up with a retort. Master Hans spoke up.

"Girl, why are you looking for a job here? Shouldn't you be spending your time choosing clothes and shoes like other young ladies?" Master Hans gave her perfunctory look before turning back to the receptionist.

"And you." The receptionist shivered when he heard the angry undertone in his voice. "Young lads like you should be working their bottoms off so as to make something out of themselves, not sitting around idly, reading romance novels like a sissy! Shameful!"

"U-Understood Master Hans! This won't happen again!" He said in reverence, his face a little flushed after hearing those words said aloud to him.

Everly heard that and looked at the romance novel lying on the side with raised eyebrows. A mischievous smile rose on her lips. She walked up to the book and picked it up. She gasped aloud and pretended to be surprised. This made the other two look at her.

Everly looked at the receptionist with a slightly flushed face.
"You...You read this? Isn't this the one in which...oh my! I can't say it. As a boy you have such weird tastes? Even I wouldn't read this book in public..." She covered her cheeks with her hand as if imagining something embarrassing. Anybody with eyes could see in which context she was saying this.

The receptionist looked at her with a blank face. His open mouth was twitching. He gave a fearful look at his side. Master Hans' face was as black as a kettle. He looked at him with furious eyes. Everyone in the town has heard of Master Hans ferocity and the strictness he has towards his disciples, especially towards their character.

It's over...I'm done. The receptionist felt his soul hanging. Suddenly Everly spoke up again.

"What?! You're at Book 4?" Gasp.

"W-What? No! It's not what she is saying! The book isn't like that!" No matter what he said now, it wouldn't work because Master Hans was beyond angry.

"Insolence! Shameful! Despicable behaviour! How can you call yourself I, Hans Van Berthold's disciple?! You are no different from those lowly insects of the society who don't work and sit around behaving like little princesses! Unbelievable!"

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