Apparition 1: Blue Lake

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Everly was sitting in a closed carriage which was pulled by a huge black horned creature. The speed at which they were travelling was enough to surpass formula one which was considered the fastest car on Earth. Surprisingly, the speed of the carriage didn't affect the passengers at all. This was indeed a quick and an amazing mode of transport.

Everly felt that this world had widened her horizons.

She looked down at the small pouch sitting on her lap. It's contents jingled as the carriage rode. She still remembered Mason's face as he casually passed her a handful of gold coins as if it was nothing. She wanted to give them back but he pushed her into the carriage and signalled for the coachman to leave.

So much for my plans to make money...

Everly smiled. Mason must have realised that she was penniless but still wanted to go the town, and had no plans to request for an extension of her stay.

He is cold on the outside but warm on the inside.

Although she wasn't aware of the fact that Mason had never shown this sort of attitude to anyone. On usual days, leaving aside staying over, he wouldn't even let people stay for too long in the house. His friends have long gotten used to his stingy behaviour.

After travelling for an hour, they reached a bustling town. The carriages stopped and Everly got off. She looked at the coachman who looked more like a ninja bandit. His bulky and muscular arms were visible under his sleeves. He was dressed completely in black and his lower face was covered by a black cloth.

She walked up and asked with a low voice.

" you need a payment, Sir?"

The man looked at her. His intimidating gaze made her shrink back. The man realised that he has scared the girl and concealed the vicious look in his eyes.

"That won't be necessary. The Lord has taken care of it."

"O-oh! Okay then, I'll be leaving now." She scuttled off towards the town gate as if being chased.

Do all people related to that Lord have to be so scary?

The dark robed man looked at the back of the escaping girl and frowned in confusion.

So this is the girl that My Lord has asked to keep an eye on?

A shadow landed near the carriage. It was another dark robed man, dressed similarly to the coachman.

"Leese, you can take the carriage back. I'll stay here to keep an eye on the girl."

Leese nodded and took out a black ball. He crushed it and a black mist surrounded the carriage and it disappeared. The surprising thing was that no one noticed.

Everly hurriedly walked away, just as she was about to pass the town gate, she stopped. Her vision started to blur and an image formed inside her mind. She found herself gazing at a blue tranquil lake in the middle of a forest. The lake glistened, mirroring the glittering stars on the moonlit sky. A number of red water lilies were floating on top of it, swaying gently on the water with the wind. A soft melodies tune rang out, caressing her ears. It gave her the impression that it was the water lilies that were singing so softly.

The image gradually vanished and was replaced by the scene of the town street. Everly stood at one place, stunned.

What in the world was that? Have I gone so mad that I'm literally seeing things now?!


She looked around and was glad to see that she was still near the town, where she should be. People and carriages passed by her side frequently. In front of her was a street full of stalls and small shops set up by venders. A big board hung on a large tower of the town gate saying:

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