Apparition 8: 'Mermaids'?

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"See?" Everly tried to give her best smile to Demon Grandma.

"Oh?" Demon Grandma gave her a dubious look. "Why don't I feel any soul power being used when you did that."

Everly was stumped. She almost started sweating while blatantly lying to a dangerous person.

"That's's another attribute of our race. We can hide the traces of soul power while using it. Pretty cool isn't it?" Demon Grandma looked at Everly's confidant face and seemed to believe what she was saying.

"I see. So that's why."

She bought it?!

Everly nodded enthusiastically. Although she wasn't supportive of lying but at that point, she'd rather lie than die. (Oh that rhymed!)

"So now old lady, I've told you my race so can you not kill my friends and I? I would really appreciate that."

Demon Grandma gave another cackle. "When did I say that I would let you go even if you told me your race?"

"But you said-"

"Prepare to die with your friends. I'll make sure that your burial site is near this beautiful lake." Demon Grandma turned back to her monster form and revealed her pointed fangs towards their direction.

Everly was feeling more angry than worried.

This damn old lady. How can she go back on her words?


On a tree, a few meters away. Two dark shadows were standing on the branches, looking interestingly at the scene going on in front of them. Leese and Leome were watching for a while but had yet to take action.

"That girl is really good at fooling people. She fooled that woman so easily." Leome nodded in approval, seemingly impressed by the girl's wit.

"She's a girl our Lord approves of. She can't be simple." Leese said, an unusual excitement was apparent on his face.

"Our Lord is indifferent to the whole woman species. I don't believe he treats this girl any differently."

Leese disagreed. "He definitely treats her differently. If not then how do you explain us being here? It's to protect the girl of course!"

Leome frowned. He still had his suspicions regarding that matter.

"That aside. How did she make that coin disappear anyways?" Leese and Leome looked at the confusion in each other's eyes then back at the girl.

On the ground, Demon Grandma was just going to attack Everly when she suddenly stopped and took a step back. She started laughing all of a sudden.

Everly who had prepared herself to receive the attack was stumped.

Did she...go mad?

"It seems that I won't have to deal with you myself after all. There's some thing else more worse then me coming for you." Demon Grandma walked into the shadows and disappeared.

Everly was trying to figure out the meaning behind her words when she heard a faint melody coming from behind her. She turned around and saw a bizarre scene The Red Dragon lilies were swaying by themselves in one rhythm. A soft singing was reverberating through the air and sounded very melodic and comfortable to listen. What surprised Everly the most was that the singing was the same as in her vision.

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