Demon Race 3: Black Robe

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"By the way, why are they going towards the secluded part of the field?" Liz asked, "There is nothing to look there, not even flowers, just an abandoned field covered with the forest trees on all sides."

Everly shook her head and twirled a vine in her hands, "They must have their own reasons to come here. Let's not be busybodies and leave them alone."

A few minutes later...

"Didn't you say that we won't be busybodies?" Liz asked in a whisper as she and Everly hid behind the bushes, peeking out from behind the leaves, at the figure of Mason and Leese disappearing inside the forest.

Everly hid the mischievous smile on her face and seriously replied, "We aren't being busybodies, I'm just curious about why he's here."

"Isn't that the same thing?" Liz asked, confused.

"No, it's not. You remember that."

Liz nodded, "Okay." As usual, she had absolute belief in Everly's words.

They followed closely behind, running from bush to bush. Leese has a solemn face as he said, "We've been followed, its a yellow spirit." He said in a low voice, that could only be heard by Mason.

Mason replied indifferently, "Just a yellow spirit? They are taking me too lightly. I feel offended."

Leese could hear the underlying displeasure in his voice.

"Should we catch him?"

"No, leave him be. We don't need to waste time on a nobody."

They reached the abandoned field. A few decades ago, it was used to train soldiers but due to the new Arena's built in the towns, no one used it now.

Mason and Leese stood there silently.

"We're early."

My Lord, we are already an hour late...

"They stopped. What will happen now?" Liz was excited and curious at the same time. She kept squirming in her hiding spot.

"Let's wait and see." Everly looked around the field but she couldn't see anyone in the darkness. Who are they going to meet here?

"Liz, can you sense any presences?" Everly had found out that people who can use magic can sense someone's presence if their powers are lower than theirs, although it wouldn't work if they are stronger than them.

Liz was concentrating hard, "No."

Suddenly, a bright-line appeared and rushed towards Mason, like a fearsome slash straight towards his neck. Before it could touch him, a black light easily deflected the slash.

A person dressed in black robes appeared in the sky as he held a bright golden scepter in his hands. The white light had come from the staff as another white slash flew towards Mason at an unimaginably fast speed. Leese stood in front of Mason and deflected the attack once again.

"My Lord, this person..." Leese's tone was grave but then he heard a chuckle from Mason.

"Interesting..." He glanced at the scepter with a mocking look.

"Big Sister Everly! Someone is trying to kill him!!! Do something!" Liz looked anxiously at Everly who herself was bewildered as she looked at the scene in front of her.

"Shh! Let's observe for now" Everly couldn't let the man in black notice them. He clearly seemed stronger than them but Mason seemed very calm as he looked at the black-robed man, and he was even smiling in a carefree manner.
Everly realized that things hadn't gone out of his hands yet. That was a relief to her.

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