Apparition 2: Spirit Powers

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Just as Everly and the blonde witch came out, the front of the shop exploded and two men came out after them. They were surrounded by an orange aura that exploded out through the street. The by-standers were shocked after seeing the orange aura. Even the blonde witch took in a sharp breathe.

"We need to run fast. Those guys are orange spirit users!"

Everly was confused but didn't stop running. She didn't know what the orange spirit was but by looking at the blonde witch's expression, it must be something powerful. Suddenly two more orange spirits landed in front of them. They were blocked from both sides now.

Everly clicked her tongue. She tried to figure a way out of this. The orange spirits smirked after seeing that they had no way out. Melissa's boyfriend came out behind them and laughed at their misfortune.

"Where are you going to run now? It's four orange spirit users against two weak girls. Why don't you just give up and come with us. We will treat you really well." He gave a glance to the two men beside him who gave a lecherous laugh after seeing what he meant.

"Humph! I don't need to give a second glance to people like you! Get out of our way! Or don't blame me if you get hurt!" Everly tried to act confident in order to fool them.

The man laughed after hearing her.

"I don't sense a single ounce of spirit energy coming from you. To think that a waste like you can contend against us? Don't make me laugh!" With that he raised his hand, an orange spirit gushed out and he fired it towards the two girls. The blonde witch screamed and tried to use her wand but to no avail, no spell of her's was working. They couldn't get the chance to dodge and could only take the hit head on.

In the last second, Everly pushed the blonde witch behind her and met the blast herself. Her actions took the blonde witch by surprise. The spirit blast hit Everly's arm that she raised in order to protect her face. The man was waiting for Everly to get badly hurt because of the hit but before he could smile properly, a bizarre scene happened. The blast hit her arm and scattered, leaving just sparks in the air. Not to mention the people, even Everly was astonished.


However, she gave them an arrogant look.

"Ha! What did I tell you? A weakling like you can't defeat me. Such a pathetic shot, I really overestimated you!"

The man's featured twisted due to anger. He signalled for his men to attack but their shots similarly ended up scattering after hitting her. They were beyond shocked. Isn't that girl supposed to be a waste?!

"So now, we will be taking our leave. I have decided to be magnanimous so I'll forgive you for your actions today. Let's not meet again shall we?" She signalled at the blonde witch and they walked past the stunned orange spirits users.


"Why are you letting them leave you fools! Get them!"

Everly and the blonde witch dashed in to the crowded streets and entered the first big building they passed. By the time, the men turned the corner, the two had already disappeared and they had no choice but to give up their chase.

The building that they had entered turned out to be a Library. They passed through the empty reception and walked beside the tall bookshelf which had a height of a two story building. The library opened into a huge four story hall with two floors. The main hall and the balcony floors. Everly had never seen such a big library in her whole life.

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