Apparition 9: End of Arc

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"Can you help me wake them up?" Everly was concerned about Liz. Mason originally didn't want to do that but he still gave Leese and Leome a signal.

The two of them released their soul power into their bodies. Everly was surprised to find that theirs' was black as well.

"They're almost awake. This guy couldn't take a single hit from that old lady." Leese said while glancing at Mason's direction, seeing that their Lord didn't have a good opinion of Henry, he wouldn't mind ruining his impression even more in front of Everly.

Mason looked at Everly who was standing beside Liz. She didn't seem to care even a little for Henry. He looked at her wet clothes that were sticking to her body and frowned. He waved his hand and a cloak appeared in his hand. He threw it over Everly's head.

"What's this?" Everly was stunned after being hit by a cloak.

"Wear it. You look like someone who could die if you catch a cold."

Everly pouted and gave him a displeased look. "I'm way tougher than you think." She wore the black cloak and fastened the buttons in the front.

"Anyways, thanks for saving me..." She was really grateful for his help. It wasn't the first time he had saved her life without even asking for anything in return. Everly felt like she was owing him more and more. She caught sight of his wet clothes.

"What about your clothes? Won't you catch a cold as well?"

Mason smirked and gave a careless look in her direction. "I'm not as weak as you."

Pretend I never asked!


Mason saw her rolling her eyes and his smile became even more radiant. He found it a pity that he couldn't break her mental barrier and read her mind.

"Everly!" A sudden shout came from nearby and Henry ran up to her and grabbed her shoulders. "Are you okay?!"

Everly was in shock after his sudden outburst and couldn't reply in time. Henry was worried at her lack of response. The first thing he asked, when he woke up was about Everly, this clearly showed his attitude that Leese and Leome didn't want him to show at all. Henry didn't notice the air around them had turned a degree colder and an extremely chilly aura was coming from behind him.

"My Lord...calm down." Leome said in panic. He was standing right behind him and could clearly feel his rage. Before anything else could happen, another shout came that broke the heavens.

"Big Sister Everly!" This feminine shout came very suddenly and Liz ran up to them with a more frantic face. She stopped when she saw Henry who's hands still hadn't left Everly's shoulders. The pause lasted for only a fraction of a second before Liz rushed up and pushed Henry away and hugged Everly tightly.

"I'm really sorry! I fainted and couldn't help you! Wah! I'm such a useless witch!" Everly saw her guilty face and almost laughed.


"It's fine. I don't blame you. I'm fine now aren't I?"

Seeing her smiling face, Liz's heart calmed down a little. She looked around the lake and couldn't find the Demon Grandma. "Where did that old woman go?"

"She left for some reason." Everly said and excluded the part about the mermaid attack. Mason had killed them all anyways so they weren't a danger anymore.

Liz then saw Mason and his two subordinates. She was momentarily stunned. She looked at Everly and asked in a low voice. "Who's that?"

"A friend. He's the one who saved us."

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