Demon Race 2: Festival

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One week later...

The Blooming Flower Festival was going to be held that night. People were preparing for the glorious event with the spirit of festivity but unbeknownst to them, this festival was to be a cover for horrendous deeds that will take place that night.

Everly had recovered from her injuries and went back to the Moon Peak Pavilion to start forging.

Inside the workshop, she had just finished cooling down a sword. She placed it in the forging table and went to call Master Hans. She was informed that her very first task will be judged by Master Hans himself.

He came over and looked carefully at the well made sword on the table and nodded in approval.

"Very good, very good. This ice crystal sword is very well made. This will fetch a good amount."

Everly's eyes brightened after hearing that. The Moon Peak Pavilion takes twenty percent of the amount earned from the item and the pieces that Everly was supposed to forge, were very expensive so she would earn a lot.

Her work was done for the week so she wanted to leave. Liz and her had decided to get ready together.

"I'll be taking my leave now Master Hans." She waved at him.

"Right now?"

"Yes, I have to get ready for the festival tonight."

Master Hans nodded in understanding and smiled at her.

"I see. That's good, young girls like you should be enjoying such festivals at your age. Have fun."

Everly left but she didn't notice that the rest of the people in the workshop had painful expressions on their faces. One of them took the courage and walked up to Master Hans.

"M-master Hans, can we take an early leave as well? W-We want to got to the festival as well."

Master Hans gave him a look. "You want to go to the festival?"

The disciple nodded enthusiastically. He thought that Master Hans would defiantly agree as although he is strict, he treats his disciples rather nicely-


"The festival? What are you? A bunch of sissies? You should practice your forging instead of going to waste time in festivals!"

The disciples were speechless.

This isn't what you said to her! Why are we getting differential treatment?! That's not fair at all!


Everly and Liz were sitting inside a large bedroom, choosing her dress and getting ready.

Everly had no idea that Liz would turn out to be so wealthy. Her five story villa and huge gardens had left her dumbstruck. Although it lacked compared to Mason's but their status was definitely apparent in just that.

"How about this one, Big Sister Everly?"

"O-Oh? If you say so."

"No it's too bright! Let's choose another."

"Really? I think it's fine."

Liz had put on a serious expression and was rummaging through the pile of clothes, choosing one thing then another. Her own dress was hanging on one side. It was a bright blue off shoulder dress with a frilly bottom which was embroidered with golden thread.

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