6-Bullied and blamed

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"It's Friday finally and I can't wait to present my project," Bethany said to her friends excitedly.
"I have a feeling that you would win the first price because it looks amazing" added Rose.

"What is your project about you, Rose?" asked Luna.

"I just interviewed students who are making the project and took a picture of their project and you know randomly stick it on this big cardboard," replied Rose.

"So you are the interviewer of the project ?" asked Stella.
"Yes and almost every time I do it, 'cause it's my favorite part. I've even done this for many classes". Rose answered.

"That's cool" added Stella.
"I will never let go of my project I'll keep it with me forever. Asher is not even gonna touch it and I meant not even gonna touch my beautiful project and also Sebastian," said Bethany.

"Now let's head to our classes," said Rose.
"Bye, guys we are heading this way," Luna said walking with Stella toward their class.

"What's the first-class ?" asks Stella.
"Ugh it's math," Luna said looking at her schedule.
"I don't hate math but I do hate the teacher " Stella responded.

"Yeah, I hate teacher Steve as well" added Luna.
"I don't know but what if we skip the class without anyone knowing," asks Luna with a grinch on her face.
"Ah, Are you sure? It's totally impossible" said Stella.
"But we should make an excuse first," said Luna.

"Oh my gosh, you are different than I thought," Stella said while laughing
"Now, let's make a plan" added Stella.
"What if we say we overslept," asks Luna.

"Hmm, not bad..not bad.." replies Stella and both of them walked slowly to the cafeteria and hid but there was no one there so they thought of sitting on a nearby table and started talking.

Later about five minutes they heard someone coming towards the cafeteria and they hid behind some of the chairs and under the table and they saw teacher Steve, who was buying water from the cafeteria.

Then Stella and Luna started to whisper and the teacher heard a noise but he ignored it and then Stella said to Luna to be quiet and she said:"you are the one shouting".

"No it's you and stop it he will hear" luna added.

They started arguing then someone pulled the chair and when they looked up they saw the teacher looking at them angrily and shouted, "Detention now!!" and both of them were embarrassed and blamed each other.

"I can't wait to present my project", squealed Bethany.
"I'm really happy for you" added Rose

A teacher called Rose for help so she went with the teacher while Bethany started walking towards her class when Sebastian stopped her by asking questions of the project she tried to ignore and started walking to her class.

Then Asher pushed her from behind and made her almost fall, she holds her project tightly

then Sebastian pushed her while Asher grabbed the project from her hand and throw it towards the wall, She was devastated to see her hard work was gone. Sebastian called a teacher and blamed Bethany for stealing and breaking Asher's project.

Teacher Steve came running and yelled at her and she started to say that it was her's and Asher broke it. Then she saw Stella and Luna and Steve shouted at them and said to go to the nearest class for detention.

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