61- Ego wins

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The next morning the girls thought of approaching Asher and Eva for forgiveness and give him another chance.

Just has they planned they walked up to them from the cafeteria.

"Hey, Asher and Eva" Bethany called.

"Hi?" Eva asked confusingly.

"Can we all talk?" Luna asked.

"Sorry, We doesn't talk to people like you" Asher answered.
"Asher! I thought you wanted to ask forgiveness!" Eva angrily whispered.

Asher didn't care about Eva and said to the girl that they don't want to talk with them.
Eva quickly apologised them and asked what they wanted to talk about.

"Oh, We wanted to talk about...umm forgiveness" Stella answered.
"Oh that was sweet of" Eva was cut off by Asher.
"Sorry but no one is going to forgive" Asher replied.

"Asher!" Eva shockingly whispered.
"You are forgiving them or forgetting me, It is up to you" Asher furiously whispered.
"B-But" Eva asked.

"No Buts me or them" Asher whispered.
Eva turned to them, She didn't know what she wanted to tell but she could not leave Asher.

"Thanks but no thanks" Eva answered the demonic's.
They didn't know how to react to the answer. They left without any answer just a fake smile.
Eva was devastated about what she has been doing.

"I think Eva wanted to forgive us" Rose said.
"Yeah, I noticed it as well" Bethany replied.
"Maybe we better not go and apologise again because Asher seem to not like it" Anna answered.
"We asked once so we are good" Luna added.

"I hope they don't hold on to their Ego" Stella said.
"Me too" Rose replied.

Meanwhile back with Eva and Asher...
"What was that for Asher? You were treading me with choosing your side and their side?" Eva asked furiously.

"You doesn't know anything about what I have been through!" Asher yelled.
Everyone looked around to them.
"Asher!" She shouted and walked away not wanting for the yelling to be worse.
"I don't care just walk away like that, Don't think I will follow you or something!" Asher angrily replied.

"What was I saying?" Asher thought to himself and felt a heavy rock inside him. Asher didn't thought of walking towards her instead he kept on holding tight to his Ego.

Ego of forgiving peoples who he should have forgive few minutes ago. He did not even try to look around to see all the glaring. He waited until the break was over.

Meanwhile with Eva...

"I hope I can help him get through this. Why should he choose ego instead of human being?" She thought while sitting down on the ground leaning closer to the wall. She cried hoping he would be fine over time.

When the bell rang Eva wiped her tears and walked to the class. When Asher approached to her.

"Hey, I am sorry" Asher replied.
"Should I really forgive you?" Eva asked, tears dripping down her cheeks.

Asher was speechless for seconds until she started walking.
"Eva, Please forgive me. You just doesn't know what I am going through" Asher replied.

"I don't care about what you are going through, If you really love you wouldn't have hurt me but instead explain to me about what you are going through," Eva replied crying.

"Eva, please" Asher cried.

"I don't want to make a big scene so we can talk later and this should never be the way you treat someone. I don't care what you are going through but when I get the courage to forgive them I would do it faster, I would have forgive them if you weren't there, Ugh! please leave me" Eva replied crying and walking away

"Eva, What are you talking about?" Asher replied not knowing what to do.

Eva walked to the class and she was late.
"Eva, You are late!" The teacher yelled.
"But" Eva replied.
"No but, Detention now!" The teacher yelled.

She walked outside crying. She went to the detention room and started crying even more.

Luna, Stella and Anna was a bit sad about what she been through from the cafeteria and now.
They didn't know how to explain the story to the teacher as well.

After the classes Eva went back to her room. After about an hour there was a knock on the door, She answered it to see Asher.

"Hey, Can we sort things out" Asher asked.
"Yeah, come in" She replied with no emotion.

"Eva, I am so sorry but can you listen" Asher asked.
"Yeah, and I am" Eva replied not wanting to.

"See I have been through so much. I have been an unwanted kid. All this is what makes me so rude" Asher answered.

"The problem is not rude or being bad Asher, it is about you holding on to your ego. Can't you just let it go?" Eva asked.

"I am trying but I just can't. I have been through a lot of bad days and that is my life" Asher answered.

Eva places her hands on his shoulder and said "You are talking like you are the only one with problem but do you know something even more weird than your life problem"

"What?" Asher asked.

"It is your ego Asher, if you want your life to be happy and safe then first learn to let it go, Ego is the best way to win but those wins are not what we call success those wins are called failure, fear, greediness and selfish" Eva answered calming him.

"But I just can't let it go. Ego is like a part of me now" Asher replied.
"Let that part go of you bring joy and kindness, That is what we need for success" Eva replied.

"Just try for You and Me" Eva added.
"I don't know but I will try but I need you through everything" Asher said.

"I will try to be there every single time you need me, Promise" Eva answered.

"I am scare to face Luna and her friends" Asher said.
"We talked about forgiving them but they ended up coming to us, Look at the bright side they did fight their ego so what about us?" Eva answered.

"Well let's try but together" Asher added.

"It may take time but we will try" Eva answered.
"So what do you think?" Asher asked.
"Think about what?" Eva asked.

"I tried to fight my ego and I kinda did that is why I am here though" Asher replied smiling.

"I know you can do it but one thing I do know is, it is going to be hard than you expected" Eva added.

"So what are we waiting for let's fight this thing of" Asher said.
"I am ready" Eva added

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