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She saw Luna entering the kitchen full of joy and all of a sudden she faked a smile.

"Where were you in the middle of the night? ", I got scared, Bethany told her worried.

She smiled and told her that she was on a phone with her mom and didn't want to disturb everyone else because they were sleeping.

Bethany looked at her suspiciously because she knew everything.

Luna said why are you looking at me that way she asked nervously.

"Umm nothing, "Bethany said and started drinking a cup of water.

"So, I will go back to sleep," Luna said pointing out of the room and fake smile and left nothing happened.

"Should I say to Rose or should I keep it has a secret?" Bethany thought

She then went to sleep as well and when she woke up the next morning she can't wait to tell to Rose but unfortunately.

she couldn't talk to her in the morning before leaving the room so Bethany changed her mind and thought that she won't say it to anyone else.

And when it was finally Friday night, They played games and had fun.

Bethany waited for Luna to go after everyone else sleeps but she didn't, She thought of waiting for the next day but the next day Luna didn't go as well and then the next day as well.

Bethany was confused and thought she dreamed about all those things but she said to herself it felt real.

She thought of waiting for that night and if she doesn't leave then she would confirm it was a dream.

She waited and just like she thought Luna left.
She didn't know she should be relieved about it because it was not a dream or she should worry because this was real.

She put her thoughts aside and thought of following her but when she went to the front door someone tapped on her shoulder and she jerked back in fear.

Then she saw Rose and Rose asked her what was she doing in the middle of the night.

She smiled like nothing happened but then something told her it's better to say to someone than keeping it herself.

She told her the whole story and Rose was shocked and told her that they should leave now and investigate what was happening.

They went to Steve's office and thought of hiding inside the locker but they couldn't so they thought of taking the risk by standing outside the door but beside the wall so they can run to the janitor room quickly.

Rose told Bethany to take note of everything she says and Bethany hears.

They both kept their hears on the wall and started taking notes, they were surprised to hear their voices clearly.

"They are breathing normally, breathing together, they are talking," Bethany said as she wrote.

"What are you doing? "Rose asked.

"I'm writing everything I heard," She answered.

"Bethany!!, Are you crazy!! "Rose shouted.

"Shh, they will hear", Bethany said.

Are you kidding me? I told you to take notes on what they said not how they breathe," Rose said

Then they heard the opening of the door they ran to the janitor's room.

"Did you hear that? "Sebastian asked.

"There is someone watching us from yesterday, "Eva said.

"I felt that too, "Asher replied.

"I guess it's better if we go to our room right now and meet up tomorrow, "Steve said a little bit worried.

Bethany told Rose that they left because of her.

Whatever she replied.
"We have to help her," Rose added.

"Yeah, We have to but before Luna reaches the room we have to go now,"Bethany said.

They both ran and saw Luna entering the room.

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