53-Last day at camp

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"Come on everyone for camp fire" teacher told student to come.
They all gather around and made some s'mores, tell many stories, sing, dance and play some skit.

"Tomorrow we are going back, be prepared on time at four in the evening, "Teacher said.
"We can have a little activity in the morning but only if the campers want to" The teacher replied.

"It was fun here," Bethany said to the camper.
"Yeah, We had a great time" The teacher replied.
"I don't feel like going tomorrow" Bethany said smiling.

"Hahaha let's go back to the tents and have a rest," The teacher added.
Everyone left to the tent. They all woke up early in the morning and got ready for there new activity.

"We are kinda late I guess," Stella said while walking towards the main area of the games.
"Let the games begin" They heard teacher Adam calling.
"Wait! Sorry that we are late!" Anna replied.

"You are just in time, We are playing tug of war want to join us?" The teacher asked.
"Yeah, why not" Rose replied.

"Two here and three there," the teacher said pointing to the sides.
They walked to their sides and Rose and Stella's team won.
They jumped in happiness.
The other team congrats on them.

"Okay let's enjoy this beautiful scenery before we have a little snack" The teacher replied.
They played around had fun. They ate the snack.

"Where is Asher and Eva?" Rose asked.
"I didn't see them in the game as well" Stella replied
"Maybe they are too afraid to look at us because of th
we are demons, " Luna said laughing.

"Let's walk around the nature," Luna told her friends.
"Yeah, I don't wanna miss it" Bethany replied.
"Let's enjoy," Rose said grabbing Luna's and Anna's hand and pulling them towards the lake.

They walked and sat there.
"Nice weather" Stella replied.
"Glad that I got you guys as my friend" Rose replied.

"You are welcome but why so sudden?, " Bethany asked.
"Just remember the first day we called ourselves demonic" Rose added.

"It was a great day though" Luna replied.
"And I am glad you excepted me in as well"Anna replied.
"You are welcome" Rose replied.
"Lets go back take our bags and head home" Stella added.

"Yeah, Let's go" Luna said standing up. They went took their bag and it was almost four they waited for the bus. They entered it and taught of staying away from Asher and Eva for a bit.

They went in after Asher and Eva were seated.
They sat and talked a lot that they didn't understand they were almost home, A hostel they call Home.

They went in when Anna asked if she could stay over in their room. They happily agreed,
"Asher and Eva. Asher and Eva, This is our topic every single day" Luna whispered to herself smiling.

"We love to hate them I guess" Stella replied.
"You heard it," Luna asked.
"Hehe, Yeah I did" She replied.
"Lets sleep and walk up for another Asher and Eva story" Bethany said laughing.

Revenge on!! (Unedited)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon