64-We are the worst

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"How was Asher from the class?" Luna asked.
"He was not there" Bethany replied.
"Let me guess he is absent" Stella answered.
"Yup, He is" Rose replied.
"Let's go check him after the class," Anna said.
"I never thought he would be so in love with Eva, I mean they fight a lot" Rose added.
"I never thought he would be so obsessed with Eva" Stella added.

"Huff, Sebastian was broken into million pieces yesterday" Anna replied.
"I know right, His mood was completely off from the class" Rose replied.
"His thought was completely out of the class" Bethany replied.

"Shouldn't we help him?" Stella asked.
"Yeah, Let's go check him out" Anna replied.
"Or maybe not if we try to comfort him it has a high chance of remembering Eva since it is us who is gonna comfort him" Rose replied.

"Yeah" Stella said smiling.
"Anyway, Let's forget about comforting and get back to class, I guess" Anna said.
"We can check up on Asher after the class but no comforting because you know it is us" Rose added.
"I have no idea why Miss Tiffany choose us to tell the news to Eva" Stella answered.
"Yeah but what is the point we are bad at like comforting other" Luna asked.

"Luna Ellie, You doesn't know us and yourself right? If we are the one comforting them we would always use the word Eva just for them to forget her" Stella answered.
"Wow, You are right we are idiots" Luna replied.
"Let's go, don't wanna stand here in the detention room" Bethany replied.

They all went back in their own direction. Later the classes they thought of checking up on Asher. They went and knocked but no one answered. They knocked again and again until Asher opened the door.

"What are you guys doing here!" He said annoyingly.
"Just wanted to check up on you" Stella replied.
"Oh well thanks for reminding of Eva, Can't you guys just go!?" Asher replied shutting the door.

"Okay...That didn't went as planned" Luna replied.
"We are not good at this job, I quit" Stella replied shrugging.
"Ugh, I quit as well" Anna replied.
"This is getting worse" Rose told.
"I just want to contact Eva but how" Bethany replied.
"No idea, Maybe we should comfort ourselves before we comfort others" Rose said.

Meanwhile at Asher's room.
Asher shut the door and leaned on the door. He knew he wasn't supposed to do this.


"I tried to fight my ego and I kinda did that it is why I am here thought" Asher replied smiling.
"I know you can do it but one thing I do know is, it is going to be hard than you expected" Eva replied.

"We will do this together" Eva replied.

"Why is this bothering me? Why am I- ugh! I hate myself!" He said to himself.
"Why should everything happen to me!?" He shouted.
"There are millions of people but why me! Why?!" Asher cried.

Then his roommate entered the room and asked if he was doing fine.
He boiled up and replied to him "Do you think!"
"Is it about Eva?" The boy asked.
"Yes Trent, Yes!" He replied.
"Okay...Try calling her then" Trent replied.
"I did but she is not answering any calls" Asher replied.

"Then wait" He answered.
"Wait? Are you serious!"Asher asked angrily.
"Duh, She might be having a hard time" Trent replied.
"Whatever, Why can't she just answer my call?" Asher answered and started crying.
"You are crazy!" Trent said and went out.
"I am not crazy, You are" Asher replied.

"I am out of here before you kill me, Maybe all this is happening to you because you been embarrassing Eva" He answered closing the door
"Whatever" He replied and started calling Eva again.

"Eva! It's the one hundred and forty fifth call and you did not even answer one call" Asher said looking at the phone.

He walked out for some fresh air, He saw the demonic in the playground.
"What are they doing here? Maybe they thought they owned the whole thing" Asher annoyingly replied looking at them through the bushes.
"I know I should forgive you but how without Eva!" He angrily said to himself walking away from the playground.

"Did anyone hear a voice from the bushes?" Bethany asked.
"Nope why?" Anna asked.
"Nothing, I thought I heard" Bethany replied.
"This place is my favourite place in the whole school" Bethany added.
"Yeah, it is and it is so calm, " Stella said taking a deep breath.

"The only this that is bothering is Eva" Rose replied.
"I hope if we play here till the sunset we could at least get out of this tension" Luna replied.
"Same but I hope" Anna replied.

"Let's get on the seesaw!" Stella shout.
"Don't forget final exams are coming, We gotta study as well" Rose replied.
"Yeah but let's forget about the negativity for a while" Bethany replied.
"If you insist" Rose replied.

They played till the sun was not seen and went back to the same room with Anna.
"Ahh, Now let's start studying" Anna replied.
"Take the books out. We need to pass this" Bethany said opening the bag.
"Someone give me the bag" Stella said lazily sitting down the floor.
"Sorry can't take it" Luna replied quickly sitting down.
"Anyone else?" Stella said.
"Here you go lazy girl" Rose saw tossing the bag towards her.
"Thanks" Stella replied.

Revenge on!! (Unedited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora