26-A diffrent demon

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It was the night before the exam.

Stella called her roommates and told them that they are gonna get back at Asher and they weren't gonna stop until he bows down to them.

She told them they were unstoppable, Unbreakable and the most wanted.

Stella told them about the plan they were gonna do the next day.

They all agreed and waited for tomorrow morning.

Then on the very next day in the last ten minutes of the exam Anna slowly went to the teacher's desk and kept her paper.

She slowly took Asher's paper from it by replacing it with another paper of his class and with his name and the full paper scrambled with the pen.

Anna went back to her seat and sat as nothing happened.

The bell rang and the teacher looked at some of the paper and saw Asher's paper scrambled all around except for his name "Asher Zain".

The teacher called Asher while he walked out. She asked him what he has done to his paper and told him to rewrite.

Anna smirked and went to Stella.

"Hey, Anna can you help me a little, on getting back on Asher thingy?" Stella asked.

"Can you help change the paper. We don't want to be so rude so make sure the teacher notices it so he can rewrite, " Said Stella ...


"Guys, I did it and he is doing the exam once again," said Anna to Stella and her friends.

"Great, Thank you for helping ," They thanked and started planning another revenge on Eva.

"Guys, do you really think we should do another one? "Luna questioned.

"Are you serious? Don't tell me you are not over Asher, "Rose said.

"Let's do this! "Bethany announced.
"Let's call ourselves demonic, "Stella said.
"Demonic friends forever, "added Stella.

"Yes, that so beautiful let's make sure they fall, "Bethany replied.

"What do you mean by demonic friends forever, do you mean that we are a demon,I mean we could name something nice" asked Rose.

"Actually no, everyone is against us everyone sees us as demons, We will let the world know, Even if they see us as demon our friendship is stronger than anything or anyone, So I thought about it, "Stella answered.

Anna stands on a side hearing them. She wanted to join but she didn't know if she should ask them so she kept silent.

"So let's do the next revenge at midnight sharp, "Stella said.

"Revenge on!!" Luna shouted.
"So you changed your mind?" Stella asked.
"No one should walk above us right? no one will!" Luna added.

Evening fall, Bethany went to the garden and grabbed some beetles from the garden and put it in a birthday gift box for Eva since it was her birthday.

They tied the ribbon and poke small holes on it for the beetles to breathe and they went upstairs to her room.
They saw a small box which was already kept at the front door and it read "From Asher".

"What a coincidence? Let's replace the box and maybe let's write "From Asher" on this box instead of anonymous"Bethany said as she replaced,

Rose quickly wrote down "from Asher" and they rang the bell and ran and hide.
They waited for her to open the box.

While they waited for Eva.
They took the real gift from Asher and stick a letter saying that "We are over and it is not even a good gift".

Eva opened the door but Stella quickly went to Asher's and kept the box and came back up.
They saw Eva opening the box.

She hugged it and kissed it thinking it was from Asher.
She started removing the ribbon.
Once she opened it she scream which made the box to fell down to the floor.

She accidentally stomps on a beetle and then she screamed once again more louder.
Some of the small beetle crawled onto her. She ran back inside screaming.

They quickly ran back to the room. After a while, They heard Asher opening the door.

They all peak out of their door to see his reaction.

Asher saw the box he gave was on the floor and saw a sticker saying "We are over, Your gift was not good enough"

"At least I have you something" He thought.

He thought Eva was pranking him and went upstairs.
Once he reached up he saw some beetles stomped on the floor in front of Eva's door.
He felt disgusted. They demonic followed him upstairs.

Stella and the rest giggled as they saw his disgusted. face.
"Now that's revenge" Stella replied.

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