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"What was that about !?," Stella said to Luna.
"Just ignore her Luna, " she added.
"I'm trying but I just can't and I won't leave her alone until she tastes her own medicine, " Luna replied.
"Asher's still hunting me down, "Luna added.

"Let's just ignore them and be happy for what we have, We are improving and we are ready to forgive but if they mess up again, We will make sure they won't let us get on our nerves, "Stella said calmly.

"Yeah, You can go back to the class, I will get some fresh air, " Luna said turning around to a different direction.

"Come back faster," Stella replied.
"I will bye," Luna said walking downstairs. 

She went to her locker, She took her textbook out and sighed.
The hallway was empty. She looked around when she felt someone walking towards her. She slowly looked behind to see Asher walking towards her. She felt uncomfortable and worried.

She started walking faster upstairs. He was getting closer to her.

He grabbed her from the shoulder and turned her towards him. He leaned closer to her, she tried to push him away but he blocked her hands with his one hand.

"Do you really think you can escape from me, sweetie?" Asher replied.
"What do you want? Leave me!" She said trying to loosen her hands from him.
"Are you afraid?" Asher said leaning closer.
"Move Asher! Move from me!" Luna shouted.

"Hush girl, No shouting," Asher said covering her mouth and leaning closer to her kissing her.
She was trying to move but she couldn't move.

Then she saw someone running towards her. It was Anna. When he saw Anna coming towards, He ran.

Anna grabbed the hands of sobbing Luna and went to the restroom.

Luna hugged Anna and cried and told her the story.
Then Stella came to the restroom.

"Luna! Where were you the teachers waiting!" Stella said shouted.
"Wait is everything okay?" Stella questioned.

Luna didn't spoke a word but instead kept crying. Anna told her about what had happened in the hallway.
Stella was devastated. She hugged her and told her "We are not leaving him alone but first let's say to Rose and Bethany as well".

After the class, Stella explained to Rose and Bethany about it and they were so sad to hear about it.

"We are not letting this happen to her again", Rose replied.

"We have to make him fell for our trap, "Bethany added.
"Let's do it, "Luna replied.
"He doesn't deserve anyone's power, " Anna replied.

Everyone thought of  different ideas but nothing was enough for a great punishment.
Until Anna and Stella came up with a idea.

"We got the perfect plan" Anna said.
"What is it?" Bethany asked.

"So here our plan. We will make an fake Instagram account. We will add a profile of a girl from the internet and let's talk to him and after he replies let's send it to Eva about how bad her boyfriend is" Stella replied.

"Maybe we could write something interesting in the bio, " Bethany said.
"What about posting some pictures to pretend like this is a real account that belongs to someone, " said Anna.

"That would be great, " Rose answered.
"How is the plan, Luna?" Stella question.
"I love it but what if he finds out and things get even worse?" Luna asked.

"What if he doesn't and we can let Eva know that
her boyfriend would never change and also fool him like he fooled us" Stella replied.

"I love the idea but I just don't know why I still care about him" Luna said sadly looking down to the table.

"You are going to forgive him, We got you" Bethany replied.
"We are demonic's so we will never leave each other in any cost" Rose replied.
"Love you all. Thanks for supporting me" Luna said wiping her tears.

Revenge on!! (Unedited)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن