34-Will you?

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"Luke wouldn't break Bethany's heart right? He won't of course! What am I talking about? He loves her" Rose talked to herself nervously.

"One relationship didn't work mean others couldn't," She said and walked to Luke to tell her plan.
"Hey Luke!" Rose shouted from afar.
"Hi," Luke said approaching.
"I got an idea I mean a chance for you to talk to Bethany," She said.
"Really? Thank you! You have no I-" Luke replied.

"No time for thanks, Listen fast before Bethany comes!" Rose replied.
"I am listening" Like replied.
"Just read this. I have written everything in this" Rose replied.
"Ah... So just read this" Luke replied confusingly.
"Yes bye!" Rose said walking away to her room.

"Where were you?" Bethany asked Rose.
"Umm with a teacher," Rose said anxiously.
"Okay..." Bethany said confusingly.

"Girls! We are going to the playground today as well!" Rose announced entering the room.
"Yes! Let's go! Woohoo!" Stella replied.

"Maybe after the sunset" Rose replied.
"Double okay" Luna replied.

Rose heard buzzing from her pocket. She took her phone out and saw an unknown number.
"Oh probably Luke," She thought.
She excused and went outside the room and answered the call.

"Hello Rose?" Luke asked.
"You are fine" Rose replied.
"I didn't even say anything" Luke replied.
"You did say hello Rose" She replied.
"Ah...Whatever so I wanted to tell you. What am I supposed to do! You just wrote come to the playground after the sunset" Luke replied.

"Yeah and You will meet her from there" Rose replied.
"You are taking this situation as a piece of cake" Luke answered.
"And it is" She replied.
"Are you serious? What if she rejects me? What if I mess things up? And What should I bring for her?! He asked.

"Be yourself and bring what you want and that's it, Call me when you are there, bye" Luna said ending the call and went back inside the room.

The nightfall and the demonic went to the playground. They played a little when Rose's phone started buzzing again.
She answered it and said "Be ready"

She called Bethany and told her that she needed to talk to her.
Rose and Bethany walked through the garden for two to three minutes.
Then Rose suggest to get inside the hanging grass alone.
Bethany agreed and was about to walk when Rose said face your fear.

Bethany was confused but entered inside. She saw little lights hanging everywhere. She looked around and saw three benches. She sat on one and looked around that is when Luke approached her.

"Hey, Bethany" He called out.
"Oh hi Luke" She answered standing up from the bench.
"Nice to meet you" Like replied.
"Nice to meet you too" Bethany replied blushing.

"Have a seat, By the way how are things?" He asked.
"Everythings great, Thank you" Bethany said sitting.

"I needed to talk to you about" He stopped.
"About what?" She asked.
"You know it's been a while. I was kinda embarrassed after all my stupid bad boy acting and all stuff" He answered.

"I was embarrassed to talk to you as well after the letter you gave me from the exam hall" Bethany replied.

"I always wanted to talk to you after that," He said rubbing his neck.
"I didn't mean do reject you. I mean I did but not now" She said looking down to the ground with green grasses.
"and you are right I regret it" She replied blushing.

"So what do you mean by this?" He asked blushing.
"I mean yeah, Maybe we could you know" She said looking at his face blushing.

"So will you?" Luke asked.
"Of course but will you promise me that you will never leave my side no matter what?" She asked.
"I promise you that I will never ever leave you even if the rain gets harder everyday" He replied.

"Are you sure?" She teased.
"I am definitely sure" He said.

"And I got you a little something. I didn't have much to give but this is for you" Luke said handing her a red heart-shaped box.

"Aww, Can I open it?" She asked.
"Yeah sure" He said.
She opened it to see a heart shape locket and inside was written "B and L"

She looked at it with tears of joy. She thanked him and hugged him and wore it.

"And one more thing your friend Rose planned all this" He answered.
"I knew she was up to something when she said face your fear" She replied.

"Let's head back" Luke replied.
"Oh yeah" Bethany replied.
They both went outside and saw Rose sitting on the grass reading a book.

"Hey Rose, You planned all this and and didn't even tell me?" Bethany said teasing her.
"Oh Hi and yeah for the sake of you two" Roae replied.

"Luna and Stella were looking for you. I told them to go upstairs and said I will search for you so let's hurry back up" Rose replied.

Rose and Bethany walked to their room while they walk Rose asked her if she will tell the others about her relationship with Luke.

"Yeah maybe, What do you think? Should I?" she questioned Rose.

"I think you should tell them cause we are a team the demonic's and maybe we can also tell Anna, "Rose replied.

"Then let's tell them the news,"Bethany said opening the door.

"Where were you?," Luna questioned to Bethany.

"I was-wait this will explain everything but promise me first you guys won't squeal and embarrass me, " Bethany asked.
"We promise, " Luna shouted.

"I guess yeah but is it something about you and Luke?" Stella asked.
"Umm nice guess, Yeah we are dating," Bethany said with a smile.

"That's why you disappeared while we were having fun!" she added squealing.
"No squealing" Bethany replied.
"At least Luke is not like Asher, "Stella said.
"Yeah, I have a feeling he will be the best boyfriend, "Luna answered.

"Well I guess someone's lucky enough to get him, "Rose replied.

She blushed and smiled and said "Yeah, Maybe. "

"So this means we will stop our planning about the revenge, "Stella asked teasing.

"Yeah of course and I forget to tell him it was me the whole time, "she said covering her face with her hoodie.

"Let's go to the bed and take a nap for tomorrow, "Stella said yawning and they went off to bed.

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