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When kyo arrived at school, the kids stared at her eyes wide open. They had met some students came with expensive cars and motorbike but not yet with a hoverboard.

"kiyoko you're so cool!"

"can i get your number please?"

"omg you have to let me play with them later"

She replied them with a simple smile and made her ways to fashion department. The things about repeating years didn't concern her anymore. Plus, for now this class member seemed all good.

"kon'nichiwa crystal!" she greeted her thus taking her seat. Crystal smiled back before continuing with her study.

"hey kiyoko!"

She turned and saw zoe walking towards her direction. "what's that?"

"its a hoverboard"

"can i try em?" she pleaded. Kyo hesitated for a while. 'just give it to her, this is your chance to make friends'

"sure, make sure to be careful when using it"

"consider it done" she gave a thumbs up and took it to the back of the class. The area zack and the others were sitting. With that, some of other students hovered around her. She could hear them laughing all the way, enjoying the new things.

When she turned, she saw other kids trying them too. 'they dont even ask for permission' she thought. She knew it was kinda rude but when they made eyes contact, all she did was gave a slight nod of approval.

"aren't you gonna stop them. Its yours anyway"

Kyo turned to crystal who were looking at her with a stern gaze. "nah, its fine. This is my chance to make friends. Besides, its not like they're breaking it"

"hey crystal can i tell you something?"

"go on"

"back in japan. I dont have any friends except for this one boy named ryu. So now that im here, im thinking of making some"

"i see, i've felt the same thing too kiyoko" she mumbled.

"you know what? call me kyo. I only used them with someone close to me and you been nothing but nice" i grinned. Her face lighten up and both of us chuckled.

Finaly the bell rang and zoe returned them back to me. "thank you so much kiyoko!"

"no problem"

We learned some new information about fashion etc. (continue with some boring stuff) and then the recess came.

They offered me to go to the cafeteria together but i decline politely cause there's this place i've been wanting to go since yesterday.


"woah, the view here is not bad"

I went to the rooftop alone to have some me time. It was empty and clean so i wander around first but then i spotted a water tank placed higher. So me being me, i climbed up the ladder there.

What surprised me was that i found a blonde male laying there. He didn't move or flinched when i came so i guess he was asleep.

'wait a minute, he's my classmate'

The blonde was my classmate who sat at the back near zack and daniel. His skin was flawles with no scars. I kept quiet and leaned back under the shadows.

Back then i used to go to the rooftop with ryu every recess. We would swap our lunch box and chattered. Since the class were separated by genre, that was the only time we could see each other.

Five minutes before the recess end. The blonde sat up and stretched, yawning. He ruffled his own hair and rose up, walking to the stairs. When he was about to climb down, he turned and saw me, smilling at him. He jolted thus stumbling there.


Eventually, his leg missed the next ladder and was about to fall down. I felt like my heart skipped a bit and started running to catch him in a matter of second.

Luckily i managed to grab his right hand just on time while he tried to get his grip back on. When everything had calmed down, he continued to climb down followed by me.

"that was close" i sighed. He looked at me with a worried face and wouldn't stop shaking his head. 'maybe he's apologizing' i thought. "its okay, im the one who supposed to apologize. I shouldn't have startled you" i said half bowing. Both of us didn't want to gave up so it goes on until the bell rang.

We immedietly went back to the class but luck weren't on our side. The teacher was already inside. I brave myself and knocked on the door. "we are you from? hurry and get inside!". We went to our seat and the class proceed like nothing happened.

After the school everyone packed their things, so did us. We walked to the gate together.

"what were you doing with jay?" asked zoe. 'so his name is jay'. I scratch the back of my head "errr..... its a long story"

"nevermind then"

"bye, see you guys tomorrow" waved mira and zoe.

Zoe was always as energetic as ever, she's the type that didn't care about what people said about her. If she thinks that its right, then no one can change her mind. Maybe except.....daniel. She's obviously all over the boy. Daniel on the other hand was that typical boy next door. He's so humble despite of his handsome face and have many fans. But, personaly i thought that ryu were better in the terms of face.

Zoe told me that mira and zack were a  couple. They didn't act like one but zack did was a very overprotective and good boyfriend. Mira hated it when he fought so he tried to hold himself together in front of her.

I placed the hoverboard on the ground and stood on it. At the same time, i heard an engine roared next to me. Turning sideways, i saw the blonde again.

"oh hi again jay" i greeted him. He flushed and nodded. Suddenly he pointed out the way i was going to pass. Guessing that he were probably asking wether i went there too, i nodded.

He then pointed at himself and me.

"ahh, you want us to go back together?"

He snapped his finger and made a small smile.


We then took off that way. He wasn't a talker so most of the time were filled by me asking and guessing his answer by his gesture. Since i was using a hoverboard, he slowed down his motorbike so we were moving in a same speed.

He was a fun guy. Finaly someone who didn't talk much and let me have my peace, at the same time spent our time together.

When we reached the gate to my housing area, i waved and watched him go.

With that, my third day of school went just well.

Hey everyone. Sorry for the short chapter. I'll make up for this in the next one kay! 🍪 Leave a comment and dont forget to ⭐🌟⭐!!

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