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It was the weekday and i didn't go anywhere because i dont know the way around here yet, so i spent the rest of the day baking cakes and pies before storing them in the refrigerator. I loved baking, back there i had everyone to give me hand so we could baked them together and of course, tou-san also included them in one of my classes cause late kaa-san love to bake for him.

I stood proudly infront of all the cakes and pies on the counter. After cleaning all the mess up, i went back to living room with a few pieces of them.

Then, i took out three big and thick novels. My favourite franchaise, The hunger games. I knew there were movies of them but we all know that novel were better as it described everything more detail. So around 10 in the morning i started with the first book accompanied with a cup of hot chocolate.

And it went on for the rest of the day.


"what?!. This doesn't make sense!!" i screamed out loud. The ending was just a nonsense. I litrealy spent my whole day reading this and you cant imagined how frustated i was to be left by this hanging ending.

"no, no, no. This can't be". I quickly pulled out my phone and searched for the nearest book store. There was one at the town, arround seven minutes of walk.


'i can make it before the store close' i thought. In flash, i got ready in an average street outift and went there by hoverboard, following the instruction by google maps.
I arrived safely and purchase the last novel. Hunger Games The Mockingjay

When i was on my way back, i stopped by a store like seven elevan to buy some groceries. Entering, i met a tall muscular guy with some tattoes and a small chubby guy next to him.

"oyasiminasai" i greeted them first with a smile. They both grinned at me. After picking my things up, i went to the counter to make the payment.

Both of them wouldn't stop starring at me so i asked them. "why, is there anything on my face?". They were startled and quickly shook their head. "n-no, are you kiyoko?" said the tall one.

"yeah, how do you know me?"

"we're in the same school. Im vasco from architecture department". He grinned, looking all nervous at the same time.

'this guy look tought but he's blushing so hard right now. How adorable'

"i see, im kiyoko. What about you, little guy?"

"im daniel"

He finished wrapping them up and extended it to me. The bags changed hands and i put a 100 dollar note on the counter "well i'll take my leave. Nice to meet you daniel and vasco"

"wait, your change!"

"nah, keep em"

After that, i sprinted back to my house with maximum speed and jumped onto the couch.

"finaly, a l-"

The phone rang. "ro real?" i shrugged and i answered without looking who's there. "kiyoko speaking"

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