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It was gym time and everyone went to change their clothes at the changing room. So did kyo, zoe and mira. Despite her lack of time with them, they remained close and would sometimes hang around together cause they were still in the same dept. Sora could only stole her away during recess.

On their way, kyo realised that she had left her phone and purse on the table, exposed to all the danger. "i need to go back to class. I left something there" she told them.

"you want us to wait?"

"no no, you guys go first. I'll catch up later"


With that, kyo walked back to the empty class and was glad to see them still there, untouched. She took them and hurried back to the changing room. When she arrived there, it was already empty. Everybody has gone to the field. Kyo took her gym outfit and entered one of the cubicle provided. She left the clothes half hanging on the door while she took off hers, hanging them at the same place too. Suddenly her purse fall to the floor. "tsk" she sighed and bend down, reaching them back.

There was a small gape at the bottom of the door and surprisingly she saw someone's shoes right outside. Feeling suspicious, she took a photo off them real quick but then the legs moved away. "weird" she mumbled alone. Still, she managed to get one and it was clear.

Standing up back, she extended her hands to reach out for her gym clothes but the only thing that she grabbed was the air. Eyes widen in flash, she turned and saw everything she hang there had gone. It was empty.


She tried to opened the door but it was stucked. Blinking in panic, she started kicking the door. "kusso! open up" she yelled. It was no use, the door was too hard and she was kicking in bare foot.

Out of the blue, the light went down leaving her in darkness. Kyo's hands began to tremble, "no no no" she mumbled. She wasn't scared, she was..........angry. Really, really, angry! Clenching her hand into a fist, it was still trembling.

She was now stuck in the dark changing room, without any clothes on except for her underwear, alone. She could felt her adrenaline increasing inside her, the vein in her head felt as if it was about to burst out.

"whoever you are........it is not funny. Let me go now and I'll forget about everything" she muttered slowly, still trying the nice way. Someone was holding her laughed outside and whoever it was, she wasn't doing a good job to hide them. "im gonna make you regret this"

"~ooh i dont think so~"


"zoe, dont you think that kyo have been gone for too long?" asked mira while they were sitting on the ground, leaning against the fence. "now that you mention it, i'd think the same too". They exchange worried glance at each other and nodded at the same time.

"sir, can we go to the bathroom?"


They walked away from the field not telling the boys first and rushed to the class. Checking out her table, kyo's phone and wallet were nowhere to be seen. "its gone, i think she'd already took them" muttered zoe. "lets check out the changing room"

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