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I woke up to a sore throat and swollen eyes cause i pretty much cried myself to sleep. But at least, i did feel better now. Tidying up my bed and all, i went to clean myself and drank a hot cocoa for breakfast. I was totally not going to school, i was just not into it today. I bet many of them skipped too. After all, they must had panicked attack over it and hurried to visit him.

'ahh, maybe i shall pay him a visit'

I got myself into a big and lousy hoodie and a pair of jeans. My hair was tied into a bun as i wore a cap to hid em. I forced myself to walk to the hospital but as we reached it i just couldn't bring myself to come in. Instead, i stood outside with hands shoved into my pockets, kicking the stones or whatever it is on the street while i made my ways out of the hospital compound.

Keeping my gaze low on the ground, i didn't realized that i had entered a different road, the quiter part of town. Strolling around, enjoying the silent, i saw the hair salloon that johan entered previously when i saw him for the first time.

The shop looked old. The front area were filthy like it had never been swept before and not to mention the algae and the spider webs. 'how in this world is this still shop still running' Out of the blue, the shop's door opened wide and an mid life aged lady went out with her cane. I stared in mixed feelings.

I came closer to get a proper view. "oh hi there young lady" she greeted in a sudden. Surprised, i jolted thus taking a step backward.

"are you here for a haircut?"

"errrr...." i hummed nervously. I didn't want a haircut but i couldn't say no aswell. "the shop is close now, i need to get a few things first"

I nodded in releif, "sure auntie". 'so she's not blind'.

A few steps ahead, the woman suddenly colapsed, falling onto the floor. Her cane was accidently throwned away from her. Her hands wondered in panicked, searching for it. I  gasped and hurried next to her. Pulling her up gently, i gave her her cane back. "slowly" i assured her.

"oh my, im so sorry for troubling you" she apologised. "its nothing, are you sure you can go there alone?" Her face went blank with a little bit sign of sad. Without waiting for her answer, i put one of my hand on her shoulder. "lets go together auntie"


"i dont know how i can repay your kindness, young lady" she muttered. "auntie, its fine".

"i know! i have a handsome son around your age, you should go and meet him" she cheered happily.

"really? i'd love too"

In a flash, her face changed again. "but, he's not here anymore" she said in a low tone. Her shoulder stiffened as she started to cry.

'oh no, not this' i grunted. Not being rude but i really dont know how to persuade people. So me being myself, i hugged her, letting her cried on my chest.

After a moment, she pulled back looking much better and smiled. We continued walking back to the shop.

"my son is a very kind person, you'll know if you see him by your own eyes"

"he sounds lovely. But auntie, do you mind if i ask something?"

"not at all"

"urm,.. what happened to him?".

She took a deep breath, "he went lost. The last time i ever saw him was around 3/4 years ago" she said shallowly. I pat her back gently, trying to comfort her. 'that must be sucks. Imagine loosing your one and only child at such a young age'

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