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Waking up to the ringing of the alarm, i reached my phone as i tried to stopped it from ringing but my eyes snapped open when i read the pop up notification written there.

"ahh.....its my birthday"


It have been long since i last jogged around this neighborhood so i got into my sweat pants and took off for a few round while greeting everyone else there.

'my birthday.......'

Those words kept on repeating itself in my head. What did i usually do during my birthday? Well tou-san would bought me lots of gifts and cakes but there weren't exactly any parties thrown at least after kaa-san's death. 'does gun know about this?'

'i dont think so, i've never tell him'

I should just kept this to myself, there's no need to throw a fuss only for my birthday. I went back home, showered and changed into something cozy. Just when i was about to start cooking for breakfast, a call came in. It was tou-san. I quickly connected my phone to the large tv hanging on the wall. Few second later his face appeared on the screen.

"ohayo gozaimasu tou-san!"

His lips curved into a smile. "ohayo gozaimasu kiyoko"

"how's life going, everything okay?" he asked first, starting our conversation. "so far, everything's good" i told him how chairman choi treated me and about my friends.

"what a relief" he exclaimed. Suddenly he coughed for a few times and ryu came bringing him a small towel. He didn't even flinched at the screen. I knew that behind the camera, there were our men waiting. "are you okay tou-san?"

He coughed some more and shook his head. "im fine, just a regular cough"

Eventhough i knew he's lying, i simply nodded agreeing with whatever came out from his mouth.

"by the way kyo, isn't it your birthday today?"

I jolted in reflex and scratched the back of my head, grinning. "yeah, thank you for remembering it"

"how could i forget? its my only daughter's birthday" he took something out from his pocket and showed it to the camera. "look at you, remember when you cried so hard when you thought we forgot your birthday"

In the picture he shown, i was sitting on kaa-san's lap with crossed hand on my chest and pouted lips, sulking. My eyes were watery but kaa-san and tou-san were laughing. I felt my face starting to heat up as i knew everyone else was watching it too. "tou-san....put it down, everyone's watching right?" i said shyly.

Laughters could be heard from behind as tou-san himself chuckled and finally placed it on the table. "what's wrong? most of the old guys here watch you grow up" True, i knew most of the men there. When i was born, they were already in this organisation so there were really nothing to be ashamed of in front of them. 

"i have a meeting coming up an hour from now so what i want to say is Happy birthday to my little shining star. You are turning into a beautiful young lady with a heart full of love just like your kaa-san. I could never be more proud to be your parents and you deserve to have a special day dedicated to you.  My beautiful child, i pray all your dreams come true and you realize how lucky you are to be surrounded by everyone who loves you"

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