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One month and a half has passed since i came to korea. Again, everything was good. I scored well in my recent exam and like usual, i got closer with the gang. Sometimes once or twice a week, crystal would come over and we would go around the town together.

She said that she was too busy with all the office work that she got no time to make friends, but now she was glad im here. That touched me deeply, her life were no different from me.

I met goo on some occation too. He's nice but also kinda act like a douchbag. No wonder gun complained about him all the time. And one more thing, i bet he couldn't live without swearing once every five minutes.

Talking about gun, he agreed on my quest and came every sunday. He said that i was on trial and if i didn't pass them, he would cancelled off his class. So i need to prove myself worthy. He was cold and weird but fasinating enough to hang out with. He said he was busy almost all the time yet i still didn't know a thing about his work. Pretty much like to keep things to himself.

I had been contacting tou-san for at least a few times and update on my condition here. He was pleased to hear i made a lot of friends. When i asked him about how its going on there, he tried to change the topic and i knew well enough not to paster him with any question like that anymore.

As for ryu.......we talked once on a phone. He said school have become more boring without me and that he miss me. But then, when i tried to reach him again, he was always unavailable. As if he was doing it on purpose but i kept thinking on any good excuses and kept the positive vibes. 


Today was tuesday. When i came back from school i felt so tired. To be honest, i didn't feel so good since the morning but i thought that it was a small problem. But things get worse when it reached noon.

'ugh, what is wrong with me' i sighed as i entered my house. My eyes were heavy and i quickly went to the couch cause i was feeling light headed. So if anything happened i wouldn't pass out on the floor laying hopelessly.  I bet my temperature had reached 39 degree. As soon as i threw my bag away, i slammed myself on the couch hard. Without even realizing, i dozed off.

It was a long deep sleep.

Waking up to a ringing sound, my hands hovered everywhere randomly. The ringing continue but i still couldn't find it so i forced my eyes open. I found out that the sound came from the bag on the other side.


I just let it rang as many time as it wanted and went back to sleep.

A couple more hours, i woke up again naturally and looked outside the windows. Seeing that it was already dark, i sat upright in flash.

"kusso! im still in my uniform". Slowly i rose up from the couch and dragged my feet by forced to the bedroom upstairs with my school bag. The tiredness were overwhelming, i felt like there were nothing i could do. Stripping off, i piled my clothes on the bed and went to the bathtub, filling it by warm water first.

While waiting, i laid on the bed. My stomach suddenly growled. 'i haven't eat anything for the whole day'. Reaching out for my phone inside my bag, i went to the call log and called the first name there.

Unfortunately for him, it was gun.

He picked up right before it went to the mailbox.

"what do you want?"

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