Chapter 4.3 : It is said that I am very beautiful

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Afterwards, while Ms. Yao and her team were fighting the boss, she discovered a group of people subtly standing nearby. They maintained an appropriate distance, not making others feel awkward. But this group of onlookers, or more precisely this protection squad, made Yao Yuan tear up. Why does she feel like she isn't fighting an outdoor boss but a domestic boss [1]? In addition, rearing this boss was a certain clan leader. Thinking of this clan leader, a drop of sweat trickles down Yao Yuan's forehead, cold sweat. It feels as if she's being closely watched by somebody, like a piece of fish on the chopping block [2].

[1] Outdoor boss can also be translated to "wild boss". Yao Yuan is using a play on words with "domestic boss" since domestic is the opposite of wild and also refers to familial matters.[2] 俎 (zu): an ancient sacrificial utensil or vessel, a kind of chopping block used in ancient times

Ah Mi and the rest also gradually discovered this unprecedented situation. They were encircled by a group of strangers, but the group didn't try to steal the boss. Instead, they were helping them prevent others from stealing the boss. Their attacks were ruthless, without a trace of hesitation. After they killed everyone, they stood there to "guard" them.

Ah Mi: "Did I time travel? Which powerful person's body did I travel to?"

Duo La A Meng: "Brother Ah Mi keep calm!"

Ah Mi: "My balls ache [3]! Are these people thinking of snatching the reward [4]?

[3] 蛋疼 (dan teng): Internet slang for doing extremely boring or ridiculous tasks[4] 螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后 (tang lang bu chan huang que zai hou): Chinese idiom for the mantis preying on the cicada but there is a oriole behind

Ya Xi Ya: "Could it be waiting for us to destroy the boss, then they come destroy us, for a fisherman's gain [5]?

[5] 渔翁得利 (yu weng de li): idiom for in a struggle between two parties (the bird and the clam) the third party (fisherman) wins

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: "......not to that extent. The world still has a lot of good people."

In the team chat, 3 lines of ellipsis were posted.

Hua Kai: "Xiao Jun, at this time you can still joke around to lighten the mood, truly calm and collected."

What can the instigator of the entanglement say? Say that it's because of a certain clan leader's evil intentions? The impact of this would be even more serious wouldn't it?

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: "Just defeat the boss before talking again!"

Ruo Wei Jun Gu, Ya Xi Ya, and Ah Mi were all veterans, this medium difficulty outdoor boss wasn't very hard to kill. As the three of them joined forces and another two played support roles, the boss had less than a fifth of its health left.

Ah Mi was also a little excited and delivered a passionate speech to the group: "Sisters, victory is in sight, our Hundred Flower Hall's first outdoor boss is in the bag. We must persevere together. Charge!"

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: "Wait!"

As Ah Mi charged forward, the boss ran away. After Ah Mi disappeared, Yao Yuan immediately said to the group: "Everyone retreat, I'll distract it, you guys use long-range attacks!"

Just as Yao Yuan finished speaking, she saw that someone was a step ahead of her and pulled from the boss, jumping up and down, putting in all his energy.

Zou Na Shi Na: "Sister-in-law I'll come T (pull the threat), you guys attack!"

Yao Yuan: "......"

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