Chapter 6.1 - Great Master's beautiful photo

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After the wedding, the first question Yao Yuan asked Great Master was: "If, I'm saying if, if I ran away on the day of our marriage, would I die without a complete corpse?"

Jun Lin Tian Xia: "Wouldn't."

Just when she sighed in relief, the other party finished his sentence. "Would keep guard over the corpse."

Yao Yuan finally determined that this person...... is definitely not a gentleman. Is there anything more cruel than keeping the corpse? Fortunately, Yao Yuan thought, fortunately they got married.

The pure beauty Yao was not the slightest bit aware that this was what he wanted. "Totally willing [1]" to marry him.

[1] 心甘情愿 (xin gan qing yuan): to do something out of one's free will

After Yao Yuan, no, it should be Ruo Wei Jun Gu, got married to Jun Lin Tian Xia, an additional title appeared on top of her head. Jun Lin Tian Xia's wife. This title would make people look back at her as she walked down the road. Then they would sigh and say, "so she is World Clan's Clan Leader's wife ah" and the like.

Yao Yuan felt that because a certain someone's presence is too strong, her sense of self-existence is getting weaker. It is like the children of nobles and dignitaries, always compared to so and so's children, rarely being praised. Yao Yuan finally had the chance to experience the feeling of being a part of an aristocratic family, she had felt a deep shift.

She can also be considered a full level master right?

Although compared to a certain someone, her skills were still lacking a little, her equipment was lacking a lot, money...... forget it. Comparing oneself with others is such a pointless thing!

Yao Yuan closed her eyes, continuing to move Ruo Wei Jun Gu...... She was completing runner's tasks [2] to make money. Because all the gifts were donated to the clan.

[2] 跑商任务 (pao shang ren wu): menial quests/tasks that players do to gain money

Ya Xi Ya: "Sister Jun, you're doing runner's tasks? Isn't it rumoured that brother-in-law gave you all his money to manage? How can you still lack money!?"

Yao Yuan sighed, she has trouble spending other people's money, "These are two different matters. I just help him manage his money."

Ya Xi Ya: Sister Jun, didn't you always want to be near the wealthy? Why are you near now but don't spend?

Yao Yuan sighed again. This money is too much, being close has too much of a psychological burden. Besides, the main point is, this person absolutely is not a good person to deal with. I still feel that if I must take this step, it is a path of no return. To go from frugality to luxury is easy but from frugality to luxury is hard.

In a little while there would be someone in the clan coming to ask her how to run the business? Yao Yuan also is too lazy to explain, and is only "running while playing".

Jun Lin Tian Xia: "Currently running the business?"

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: "En....running while playing."

Jun Lin Tian Xia: "Sick of playing? Want to go complete some quests?"

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: "......sure."

Honestly she was tired. She has always lacked interest in these immutable runner's tasks.

The biggest advantage of this marriage was the teleportation function between husband and wife. No need for coordinates, no need to run, just need to click "teleport to husband/wife's side" to instantly moved to your other half's side.

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