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The teacher pulls Whitney to the side and tells her that after she finishes the quiz that he'll need her help in his office. Whitney puts on a clueless look on her face. She often helps out the teacher and so pretends that this is just another one of those times. But inside she's sick, she has never had such a hard time completing a mission before.

It might have something to do with her being freed from the slavery she was in.

Once the teacher gets done with her she moves to get to her desk and passes John. She isn't able to hide completely how she feels and John starts getting angry.

He gets up and moves over to the window where her seat is. It would be easier if he didn't have to pretend to ignore her, but the teacher would be scared off if he saw her talking to John.

"You don't have to complete this mission, we'll work around it somehow." John says softly to her.

"No, it was a condition of my freedom, I have to complete it. I'll be fine. It isn't something I haven't done before. You should get back in your seat, class will be starting soon. He's giving out a quiz then he'll be making his move."

John hides his disgust, "Not even waiting for class to be over?"

Whitney shakes her head as John returns to his seat as the bell rings.

The teacher gets in front of the class and starts talking about something, Whitney is too distracted to pay any attention to what he says. Then he tells every one that he is giving a quiz for the rest of class.

The usual moans and groans accompany his words, but the kids all take out papers and answer the questions he reveals on the whiteboard.

Whitney finishes the quiz and hands in her paper. The teacher hands her his keys and she nods her head. She looks one last time to John before heading out the door.

John is sickened, he doesn't like the look Whitney has as she leaves the room. Once the teacher leaves he follows. He'll be there if she starts calling for help. He knows that she won't, she knows how to play the victim without truly calling attention to herself, unless that's what she wants to do, of course.

For the most part the voices are too low to hear, but John is able to catch some of it. Once he's sure that she completed what she needed to do John busts open the door and decks the teacher. He pulls Whitney to him and holds her.

"I can't do this, I can't do this, John. I can't." Whitney just says over and over again. John just holds her and does his best to calm her.

That's how Michael finds them some minutes later when the bell rings to let class out. "Shit, is she going to be okay?" Michael has never seen Whitney in tears. Not since the videos of her when she was young and first brought into this life.

"She can't go through with it, Michael. I won't have her hurt any more." John says more than a little angry that he's partly to blame for her being like this.

"Whitney, it's alright, you won't have to finish. You can go home with John. I think we have enough with his wife that we won't need to get shit on him as well."

"I have to finish this. I can't go back to this life, not now. I have to finish so that I can be free."

John makes her look at him. "You are free. Michael is letting you go now. You don't have to finish the mission. We can go home, love. It will be alright."

"I can't, I have to finish. I can't leave a mission unfinished, I can't. Don't make me, please John. Don't make me leave it unfinished." Whitney begs. All she knows is if she doesn't finish the mission then she'll be punished.

"Baby, you don't have to finish the mission. You won't be punished if you don't. I won't let any one hurt you. Remember? It will be okay. Michael says you are finished."

"No! No, I didn't finish, I need to finish the mission." Whitney is damn near frantic by this time.

"Bro, I think it will do more harm to keep her from finishing than it will to let her. Take her to the restroom and clean up. I'll get her a late slip. Then you better get to class. I'll make sure nothing happens to her." Michael says carefully, he doesn't want to trigger his brother's anger.

John nods and guides Whitney from the room, the teacher terrified of bringing attention to himself. 

Michael on the other hand stays behind and talks to the teacher, giving him some new information about how his life is going to be from now on.

The teacher is rather sick as he hears what is in store for him.

Once the teacher is dealt with Michael heads to the attendance office and gets late slips for both himself and Whitney before going to the restroom where John took her to compose and clean herself up.

When he comes into the restroom he finds her rinsing her face in cold water. "You are welcome to finish the mission, Whitney. However, you don't have to. I know John would prefer you to not do so."

"I can do it, Michael. I just need to pull myself together." Whitney tells him, more than a little exhausted by the events of the last fifteen minutes.

"There is no doubt about you being able to do this, it's about whether you should or not. John is about going out of his skin because he doesn't want you hurt. You were damn near hysterical, Whitney. If that's how you are going to be, then I can't let you finish this. John will go on a rampage and there are many innocent people that would get hurt or killed."

"I'll be able to do my job, Michael. I'll finish the mission. I just, the feel of him, I can't stand it."

"You and John will take tomorrow off from school and do what you need to, to heal from this. But this will be your last mission of this kind. Do you understand?"

"Yes, boss." Whitney says taking the paper towels that Michael hands her to dry her face.

Whitney doesn't use makeup so she won't have to redo that.

"Fuck, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." Michael says kissing her.

Once he's done he holds her for a bit before releasing her. "We should get to class before the late slip expires."

Whitney nods and goes out with Michael at her side.

She manages to complete the mission and keep herself together better this time, but she feels sick and very dirty. Like she hasn't felt in years.

Both boys go with her to their last class.

Whitney manages to get the evidence without allowing the teacher to get intimate. By the time she left school all she could think of is going home and showering or better yet bathing.

"We just need to sign over the building then I'll take you to your apartment and we'll spend the night there if you want. They finished with the changes you requested." John tells her as he holds her shuddering form in his arms.

"I'd like that." Whitney tells him.

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