Epilogue 47

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John watches tensely as Whitney's car comes into sight. She's in the lead and as long as nothing happens she'll win the race. She crosses the finish line and he is able to let out the breath he hadn't realized that he was holding. She was safe once more.

Ever since that first accident nearly four years earlier he can't help being tense when she races. Until she's safe at his side he's all tense and knotted. He goes to her side and she jumps into his arms. "Congratulations, love." John says kissing her deeply.

"Thank you!" Whitney says smiling broadly. This is the first time she's raced with this car and she's well pleased by the performance it gives her. She thinks that it's time to tell John about her other news as well.

In an effort to make things special she recreated the date that never was. The date that was cancelled because of the mess that almost destroyed them as a couple.

They go home and check on their children that are sleeping soundly. "They look like such angels when they are sleeping. How can they be such little devils when they are awake?" Whitney asks. The two boys look just like their father and uncle. At three years of age they are holy terrors and are in sad need of strong discipline.

Unfortunately for them, their father has a great dislike for any type of punishment. Whitney is getting fed up with him undermining her when she tries to punish them for breaking the rules. She has warned him that if he keeps it up that she will leave him. He is terrified at the thought of Whitney leaving him and so has backed off and let her give out the punishment she deems proper.

"Come on, love, let's get you into the tub for a good hot soak." John leads her to the bathroom where Michael and Carmen had just finished setting everything up.

"Happy anniversary love," John says as he pulls her into the candle lit room. The tub steaming and smelling of her favorite scent.

"John?" Whitney says turning around confused. It's not their wedding anniversary for another month yet.

John smiles and caresses her face. "It is our 'I forgive you, I'm coming home' anniversary. Four years ago today you came home to me. You gave me another chance when I know damn well that I didn't deserve one."

Whitney wipes the tear away that was falling down his cheek. There isn't much that gets John emotional. Whitney and his children are about it. Almost losing Whitney made John realize even more than he had before, just how much he loves her. There isn't anything he wouldn't do for her. When their sons were born he felt the same determined love to protect and love them that he did for Whitney. He can't imagine his life without the three most important people in his life.

"I think you would have survive just fine without me. I never would have kept you from the boys, you know that."

"I know that, but it wouldn't have been the same not having you be here. Not having you as my wife." John says and smiles sadly. "I would have survived, but I would have been more like how you knew me first."

"You would still have Michael."

"I love Michael, and always will. But Michael isn't you. Michael isn't our boys. I need you, Whitney. I need you and I need our boys. I don't know why you gave me another chance but I thank the universe every day for it."

"Just how much do you need me?" Whitney can't hold back her news any longer.

"More than oxygen itself." John answers immediately without thought. "More than meat needs salt."

Whitney snorts at his comparison. "How much do you love the boys?"

"More than I can explain or ever say." John is starting to get a little nervous.

Whitney doesn't say anything else as she strips down and steps carefully into the tub. "Are you joining me?"

John hurriedly strips down and joins her. Slowly he seduces her and they enjoy the candles until the water grows cold and the candles burn low.

It isn't until they are out and dried off that John carries her to their bed. "John?" Whitney says as John climbs in next to her.

"Yes, love?"

"How would you feel about another baby?"

John looks over to Whitney and smiles. "I wouldn't mind if you wanted to have another to add to our collection. Should we practice a bit?"

Whitney snorts, "We practiced for a bit in the tub. We don't need to practice any more. I was going to tell you this tomorrow on our date, but I can't wait. I'm pregnant."

John stills then smiles brilliantly before grabbing her and kissing her deeply. "I love you so much."

Whitney pulls into the safety of the shop and Michael can breath once more. Everytime she races his stomach is in knots until she's done. He knows that John is the same way and looks towards his brother to find him already on the way to get his wife.

"Come, Carmen, let's go home and get the surprise John has planned for Whitney ready."

Carmen had finally forgiven Michael and moved back in by her six month. Kiara came with her. Kiara loves her child but needed more freedom so once her daughter was born she signed over her parental rights, with the promise that she'll be able to visit her daughter every week.

Carmen had twins like Whitney, one boy and one girl. Michael couldn't be more thrilled. He has his son to lead the mafia when he's older and two adorable girls to spoil. Carmen was more than happy to take on raising Kiara's daughter as well.

Michael became committed to Carmen. He realized just how much he cares for her and didn't want to lose her. She means the world to him and he's given up all others, including John and Whitney. Although, he didn't have much choice when it came to Whitney. She refused to come back as his mistress after she left.

Michael was more than content with her decision.

He loved watching Carmen grow big with his children. Each day he loved her more and so, when she went into labor he made sure to bring the ring he bought her. He asked her to marry him once the children were born.

He was never sure with Carmen if she would do things how he thinks she will or not. So when he asked her to marry him he wasn't sure she would say yes. He was fully prepared for her to tell him no and just raise the children alongside of Carmen even if they aren't married.

The two brothers had a double wedding. Their children were held in the arms of some of the men that were designated the guards to the children.

The ceremony had been simple and as small as Whitney and Carmen could make it. They felt lucky that they were able to keep the guest list down to three hundred.

That was three years ago. 

Their lives have had their ups and their downs, but over all they are willing to fight for their loves. The boys have never been so loved nor so happy.

The girls can't believe that their nightmare worlds had turned into fairytales.

They go to bed that night held in the arms of the man that they love and have sweet dreams.

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