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John looks at Michael and Michael excuses himself saying that he'll let the girls know that Whitney is awake.

"I'll call in the doctor in a minute. Please just let me tell you what happened and why I was so stupid."

"Yeah, why not?" Whitney says not looking at the man she had loved with all her heart. The one person that has single handedly hurt her more than any other.

"The bitch was a potential supplier of product. She had the best reputation and we needed another supplier so that we could expand our market. Our current suppliers couldn't meet our new needs. She had the best reputation of all the possible partners.

"She had her own price for working with us, she demanded a date with Snow. When she was informed that I was unavailable she said that it was a date with me or no deal.

"I wanted to tell her to screw off, but Michael talked me down. He said that she was our best bet, the best reputation and we needed her. He said that as long as I talked to you that there wouldn't be a problem.

"I just couldn't bring my self to talk to you about it though. It was extremely distasteful to me. I had no desire to take the bitch on a date and definitely no desire to do any sort of physical intimacy.

"I couldn't bring myself to even be in the same room with her. So Michael got the brilliant idea that we would switch. I would take Carmen on a date and he would take the date with the bitch."

"He didn't tell Carmen about switching."

"He couldn't, I made him promise to not say anything to her. You and Carmen are really close. If he had told her then she would have told you. I couldn't risk that."

"So what? You weren't going to ever tell me?" Whitney looks at him in anger.

"Yeah, I thought if you never knew that everything would be fine. I know that makes me a world class bastard. I've never cheated on you and never wanted to. I only did this time because of the pressure Michael was putting on me to get this woman on board with us.

"I was wrong to allow him to force me to do that. It was wrong of me to make it so that he couldn't tell Carmen.  It was wrong of me to not talk to you about it.

"I would have told Michael to stuff it and her up his ass if I had realized just how important that date was for you. I would have much rather have gone on our date, whatever it was that you had planned out, then even have met with her."

"What happened to her?" Whitney asks, she wants to know just how well everything turned out for them.

"I shot her. I don't even have a clue where her body was dumped.

"All I knew was because of her I lost you, the most important person in my life."

Whitney scoffs, "Right, that's why you chose to listen to your brother and do the one thing that would destroy us faster than any other. Michael doesn't have a problem with cheating on Carmen. Never had a problem with cheating. He didn't understand why you were so reluctant to be with the bitch.

"He was right about one thing, though. You should have talked to me. Had you done so, I would have talked to her and told her that not only would she not have a date with you, but that she would never do business here. 

"Then I would have reamed into Michael. I would have told him to fix his relationship with Carmen or end things with her instead of leaving things in limbo like he had. Then I would have told him, that any supplier that would make a person betray their significant others is one that isn't trustworthy and that doing business with that person would be the height of stupidity. But since you didn't trust me enough to come to me, this is where we ended up.

"None of us are happy with how things fell out. And after everything she lies dead and you still don't have a supplier to give you the product that you need."

"I know. There are times when I am very slow to learn. When it comes to emotions, the heart and relationships, those are the things I learn the slowest in." John gives her a faint smile. He pushes the call light for the doctor.

"I messed up, big time. I wanted to ask you for another chance, but I realize that I don't really deserve one. I just want to be a part of my child's life. Please, don't shut me out from his or hers life.

"I'll leave you now. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me at least a little, just text me. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I know that you no longer believe me, but I do love you, Whitney." John gives her one final caress on her face before bending down and kissing her forehead.

"Michael says that you earned a place on his team if you are still interested.

"I'll send in the doctor, then once he leaves I'll send in Carmen and Kiara. They are both waiting anxiously to speak to you.

"I won't bother you again, unless you text me. I don't want to add more stress to you than I already have. Good bye, Whitney. Take care of you and our baby." John stands up and walks to the door. He wipes his tears away before opening and leaving Whitney's room for the last time.

"She's awake and waiting for the doctor. Once he leaves then she'll be wanting to see Carmen and Kiara. I told her that she has a place on your team, Michael. I also asked her to let me be a part of the baby's life. I told her that I wouldn't bother her again unless I got a text from her asking me to be a part of her life once more." John tells the waiting group before him. Then with slumped shoulders he makes his way out of the hospital.

His guard hurries to the car and opens the door for him. The guard is glad that he's not fighting him about driving. John is in no condition to be driving, not with the way that he's acting at this time.

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