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Michael and the girls come up to him. Michael looks on in terror. That tire blow out wasn't natural, he was sure of it. He'll have to look at the videos that are taken as the race was going. There are cameras all along the track getting every possible angle. Hopefully there will be a clear shot of what happened to Whitney's car.

But that is for later, right now they need to find out if Whitney survived and if there was a miracle and the baby survived as well. 

If they don't, and Michael finds out that someone intentionally caused her to wreck, he'll let John deal out the death however he wants.

Michael drags John with him over to the wreck of the car.

They are able to finally get Whitney out and there is a loud announcement that she is alive.

The medics race to her side and check her out.

Michael sends the others away. "She's pregnant. At least she was before the accident." Michael tells the EMTs. They nod and thank him for the information as they work on stabilizing Whitney.

As soon as they can they load her up into the ambulance. One guard getting in the ambulance with them and the other driving the car following close behind.

Michael loads John and the girls into his car even as his guards with stone faces load up the vehicle behind them.

It's going to be a long day as they wait for word to come in regards to Whitney's health and that of the baby.

Several hours later Whitney is lying unconscious on her bed in the hospital room. John is by her side holding her hand and whispering nearly soundless words that Michael realizes are prayers as he listens to them as he comes into the room.

"How's she doing?" Michael asks gently. John is holding onto his temper, but it's a near thing and it would not be good for him to lose control now.

"The doctors say that she's got a concussion and some internal bleeding from where the restraints kept her from flying around as she crashed.

"So far the baby seems to be doing alright. They have her hooked up to a fetal monitor so that they can keep track of his heart rate as well as Whitney's. They say that as long as she makes it through the night that the baby should make it through the pregnancy unless something else happens.

"Did you check the video? There is no way that was driver's error."

"Yeah, I watched all relevent videos. You are right, it wasn't Whitney's fault. As a matter of fact I doubt that any one else would have been able to do better, most would have done worse.

"One of the other drivers, not liking Whitney being ahead of him threw something at her wheel. Not sure what yet, it was too small and flew too fast for the film to catch it. But as soon as it hit her tire it blew. At the speed she was going at it's nothing short of a miracle that she didn't flip over.

"The idiot that caused her accident was one of the cars that didn't avoid her's when she lost control. He is in intensive care for his injuries.

"There is a great deal of doubt as to whether he'll make it through the night." There is no little satisfaction in his voice as he tells his brother what he found out.

All told five people were sent to the hospital for their injuries caused by that idiot. His were by far the worst of them, unless Whitney loses her baby. If that happens the man better hope that he dies because John will make his death long and painful, if Whitney doesn't do that herself.

"Have you talked to Carmen?" John says trying to take his mind off Whitney lying unresponsive to his holding her hand.

"Yeah, she's letting me talk to her again, but told me that she's not ready to come back. She said that if Whitney doesn't wake up soon that they will need to move since they don't feel comfortable staying there with out Whitney. I told her that I will pay for them to stay in the penthouse at the hotel until they are ready to come back or Whitney gets better depending on what happens."

"What about Kiara?"

"She told me that everything is going well with the pregnancy but the doctor wants her to gain more weight and she's having trouble doing that since she's been having massive amounts of morning sickness. The doctor warned her that she might need to check into a hospital emergancy room and have an IV if she doesn't start calming down. She's having trouble even keeping water down. The doctor has given her some ideas on how to control the vomiting. She'll start using them in the morning. She just got the ideas earlier today and hasn't had a chance to buy the items the doctor suggested.

"I sent one of the guards out to get the items. She'll have them soon.

"They are both pretty shaken up by the accident. When I told them that it wasn't an accident they looked at me in shock then in anger. They demanded to know what I was going to do about it."

John looks at Michael, "So what are you going to do about it?"

"First off, Whitney more than earned her place on my team. It's her's if she still wants it. Second, it will depend a great deal on what happens to the fool that caused this. If he doesn't make it through the night, there is nothing I can do. He'll have escaped my justice.

"If he does make it through the night, we'll have to see just how well he survives. There is a good chance that he's got some brain damage and spinal injuries. He might never be able to walk again or even talk depending on how bad the injuries are.

"If there is sufficient injuries then I think those will be good enough lesson for him. Even if he doesn't remember the lesson itself.

"If there are no permanant injuries, then once he's released from here he'll be taking a nice vacation to our cells. There he will learn the lesson he should have learned long ago.

"I promise you John, that he won't be walking away from here scot free. Even if I don't do anything to him, I'll turn him over to the police and let him go to jail for attempted vehicular manslaughter times five. That is more than a life sentence if it is served consecutively. Then add to those that will be more than happy to teach him lessons on my behalf inside the prison..."

"Yes, I like that option the best. The inmates will make sure that he is punished on a regular basis and others will learn to not fuck with us at the same time."

Whitney gives a small moan and the two turn their full attention to her.

"Whitney, baby, please wake up." John calls to her softly as he caress her face with the hand that isn't holding hers.

She slowly opens her eyes and stares at John. "Where am I? Why do I feel like I've been run over by a truck?" Whitney's eyes open wide in fear, "The baby?"

"Shh, you are in the hospital. There was an accident. Your tire blew and you lost control. Your car started on fire. You were able to be gotten out. The baby is fine, you took more damage than he did."

Whitney looks at him as he tells her everything that happened. "I didn't wreck my car."

"One of the other drivers threw something that caused the tire to blow. You did an incredible job of keeping the car from rolling, but took out five other cars. One of the cars you took out was the one of the person that caused your tire to blow. He is actually in ICU and they aren't sure that he'll make it through the night."

"The other drivers?"

"You and that ass were the most injured. They will be keeping you here a couple of days for observation to make sure that the baby took no injury and that your head injury isn't hiding anything."

"Good. Now tell me just why the hell you two are here." Whitney says in a hard voice.

John bites his lip and does his best to hold back the tears. If he can't convince her now, he doesn't think he'll be given another chance to do so.

"I fucked up. I admit that. I can't say that I blame you for leaving. I'll leave once I finish if that is still what you want. Don't blame Michael, he told me mulitple times to talk to you and tell you what that bitch was demanding." John starts out and prays silently that she will let him tell her everything and then forgive him.

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