e i g h t e e n

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The following Monday after we had all met at Hogs Head to form a sort of group I made my way down to lunch. I wasn't particularly in the mood to eat anything but I needed to see my friends to help me feel somewhat normal. Every time I sat in the library I felt one of Bryce's friends watching me now. Making me feel uncomfortable and scared of what they could do to me. Which added to my stress.

Once I walked into the Dining Hall I spotting the twins flaming red hair and walked over towards them both. Georges's head peeking over Fred's just a little as he saw me enter the Hall. A small smile growing on his face as I got closer to them and then plopped myself right in between the two of them.

"Hello Daisy," Fred said cheerfully.

"Hello boys," I said as I gave both of them a pat on the back.

"How are you doing today?" Fred asked.

"I am okay. How are you?" I asked as George still hadn't said anything. I looked over in his direction as I reached for a small turkey sandwich to put on my plate.

"Good. George and I just finished making more products,"

"So that's what you two trouble makers have been up today. No quidditch practice?" I asked.

"Right after lunch," Fred said before shoving some food into his mouth. I looked over at George who still hadn't said anything. 

"You okay Georgie?" I whispered as I bumped his arm. George shot his gaze over in my direction.

"I am tired, that's all. Are you really okay?" He asked as I took a bit out of my sandwich.

"Yeah, I am just tired and stressed.

"I am here to talk. You know that."

"I know Georgie. I'm just looking forward to going home this weekend."

"What do you mean?" Ron blurted.

"It's my dad's birthday this weekend, so I am going home to celebrate with him," I said as I turned back towards everyone.

"That sounds like fun," Fred said.

"Do you guys want to tag along?" I asked.

"Not this time. I have to study," Hermione said.

"Lame," Fred said.

"What about you two?" I asked Fred and George.

"I can't. Quidditch stuff. Same with George," Fred said.

"Speak for yourself. I would love to come," George said. I felt warm.

"What about you Harry?" I asked.

"I have detention all weekend,  sorry. But tell him Happy Birthday for me," Harry said. 

"I will," I said as I turned to George, "So I plan on leaving Friday afternoon by floo powder. McGonagall said we can use her fireplace to get to Grimmauld. Sound good?"

"Sounds perfect," George said as he smiled down at me. 


Friday morning, after my art class with George I went back to my dorm and packed a small bag of clothing and other things I would need for the weekend back home. I think by noon I had packed my bag at least 3 times making sure I had everything. Around 1 o'clock that afternoon George and I were ready to go. The two of us meeting in the common room before heading off to McGonagall's office to travel to Grimmauld. George let me go first, just before leaving sending him a soft smile as the Green smoke filled all around.

"Ah, what a lovely surprise!" Molly said as she got up from the couch. As I stepped out of the chimney I brushed off the extra dust off my body. She quickly wrapped me in a hug as George arrived after me.

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