f o u r

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Disclaimer: This is the chapter with the head canon. You have been warned.

We headed out the front door into the warm sunshine and headed down the street into the city for a little bit. Ron and Ginny walking just a few steps behind us as George and I walked into another shop. George had his hands in his pockets and was abnormally quiet than usual. I mean when you get George alone he is quieter. George pulled the door open and let me walk in first as I waited for Ginny who came in behind me. Ginny and I took off towards the men's clothing section while Ron and George followed us. I immediately grabbed Georges's arms and dragged him over towards the sweatpants as I needed him as a model so I knew what length to get them.

"Stand here," I said as I turned around and grabbed a large in the men's sweatpants. I unfolded them and held them up to his waist seeing where they hit him. George stood there with his hands on his hips as he posed for me. Making faces as I grabbed another pair of large sweatpants and passed them off to him and walked off from him trying to contain my laughter.

"What no matching t-shirt?" He pouted as he followed behind me with the sweatpants slug over his shoulder.

"Maybe for Christmas. If you are nice," I said back towards him as we walked up to the cash register.

"Hi," The lady said as she looked at the two of us. Quickly moving her eyes towards George, eye him up and down as he stood behind me.

"Hi," Both of us said in unison as I turned to George for the sweat pants. Holding my hands out towards him as he placed them in my grasp, turning back around, and handing them to the lady.

"Is this it for you two?" She asked as she began to ring them up. Keeping her eyes on George.

"Yes," I smiled at her as I noticed she was starring at George. I brought my purse up and pulled out some money that would pay for the boys' new sweat pants.

"That will be 47.05," She said as she packed them up and handed her my money. She took it out of my hand as I gave her a soft smile, "here is your change." As she handed me my change back and I placed it in my purse as George grabbed the bag from her.

"Have a great day," She said as I saw her send a wink towards George before the two of us turned away to find Ron and Ginny at the front of the store. Once all four of us were out I turned to George and smacked his arm.

"Ouch," He exclaimed, "What was that for?" As he rubbed his arm.

"Are you blind? Or stupid? She was flirting with you back there," I said as we headed down the road towards the Leaky Cauldron.

"Who?" George asked as he swung the bag back and forth.

"The lady behind the counter, duh!" I exclaimed.

"Oh," He said as he rubbed the back of his neck, "I guess I didn't notice." As he looked down at me.

"I don't think George would know if someone was flirting with him, even if she was a mile away," Ron said.

"Neither would you Ron, " Ginny said, "You barely notice when a girl is looking at you. Let alone talking to you."

"Hermione talks to me," He said.

"Only because you guys have been friends since the first year. Other than that, I don't think you really know how to talk to one," Ginny added back.

"She got you, little bro," George laughed as we turned the corner and saw the Leaky Cauldron sign. The four of us conversing in small conversations. George reaching in front of me as he opened the door to the Leaky Cauldron letting me walk in first as the rest of them followed behind me towards the back. Ron pulling out his wand and tapping at the bricks as they moved for us to come in. The streets were filled with students getting their school supplies. Mostly younger students and those who looked completely lost. I handed Ginny some of my money and then she was off. Dragging Ron with her while George and I roamed the streets. Towards the end just a few shops over from Olivanders, there was a huge building that had a sold sign hanging on the door.

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