Chapter 4

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Sirius and Marlene, who were met with a bunch of groans about their suggestion, wouldn't take no for an answer. They made their friends sit in a circle, as more people came over to join their game of Spin the Bottle.

Around the circle, Elsie sat next to James and Remus. The rest of the people playing included the familiar faces of Alice, Marlene, Sirius, Lily, and Frank. A few other Gryffindors in their year sat down. Elsie knew them as Jay Thomas, Kareem Patil, Mary Macdonald, and Dorcas Meadowes.

As the game was about to start, an unwelcome figure strolled over to the circle with a girl attached to his hip. "Mind if we join?" Rory McLaggen questioned as he stared directly as Elsie.

"It's not like you'll take no for an answer," Elsie grumbled to herself with a scowl on her face, as both James and Remus squeezed her hand apologetically. Sirius and Marlene looked over at Elsie for an answer, and she responded with a slight nod of her head. McLaggen and his friend sat down across from the scowling girl.

"Alright then! Let's get started," Marlene excitedly announced before smirking at her friend, "Alice will start!"

Alice spun the bottle and she immediately blushed as it landed on Frank. The game continued on with Marlene having to kiss Remus, Kareem having to kiss Mary, and Jay kissing Dorcas.

When it was James' turn, he took the bottle in his stride and spun it excitedly. His gaze fell on Elsie and winked at her, not noticing the rising blush falling on her cheeks. But little did he know, the bottle had already stopped in front of someone. And Elsie wasn't the only one left blushing.

"Oi, looks like Prongsie has to kiss Moony," Sirius laughed at the situation playing out before him, as James looked over to Remus in astonishment.

Elsie looked over at the scarred boy curiously, wondering why he looked so paled, so nervous. His cheeks were pink and his teeth were biting on his inner cheek. She watched as he glanced over at Sirius, before returning his gaze to James. He then made eye-contact with her, but immediately looked away as if he was trying to hide something. As if his eyes would've revealed his deepest secrets. But Elsie simply shook that thought out of her head, she already knew everything about Remus. There was nothing left to tell between the two.

James smirked at his fellow marauder before  leaning over Elsie and teasing him, "Well, looks like Moony just got lucky."

The spectacled boy brought his face closer to Remus' playfully, but his expression went sober when Remus placed a hand behind his neck and crashed his lips onto James'. It lasted only a few moments, but left the entire circle in a silenced awe.

Remus pulled back wordlessly, leaving James with a smirk and a wink.

"He just winked at me," James whispered in disbelief as he turned his head wildly towards Sirius, who had an unreadable expression on his face, "Did you see that Pads, he just bloody winked at me!"

Sirius coughed himself out of his train of thought before laughing at the two, "Looks like Moony wasn't the lucky one."

A blush once again returned to Remus' face, but the attention was quickly taken off of him.

Then, it was Sirius' turn to spin. The bottle landed right in front of Lily, as Sirius sat back and smirked at James.

"No way! That's not fair! You wouldn't, Pads," James yelled at his friend with a frown on his face. Lily rolled her eyes at the two boys as she waited for them to finish bickering.

Sirius, who sat next to James, patted him on the back while teasing him, "Prongs, don't blame me. A game is a game." James grumbled something under his breath and crossed his arms while pouting like a little kid.

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