Chapter 11

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The next morning, Elsie found herself reading the Daily Prophet while waiting for her friends in the Great Hall. When the Marauders all arrived, they would be heading down to Hogsmeade together.

"Another attack," she said under her breath while skimming through today's news. She almost fell off her seat when a voice from next to her broke her concentration.

"They're getting bad," Sirius commented as he took the seat next to her, "I've been keeping track, considering my bloody family is probably a part of You-Know-Who's charade."

Elsie looked at the boy who had just walked in with a distraught expression, "You think so?"

"Yeah...," he trailed off while looking around to make sure no one was looking, "They care more about blood purity than their own kids." His hands clenched into fists and his brows furrowed.

"I'm scared, Sirius," Elsie bit her lip and looked down at the table, "My mum said there's a war coming."

"There is, Els," his expression softened while looking at the nervous girl, placing a hand over hers at the same time, "But we'll be okay."

"How do you know?" She looked up at him.

"Because we're surrounded by love," he began squeezing her hand, "We have something worth fighting for."

"Can I ask you something, Sirius?" She questioned the boy, while he simply responded, "Anything."

"Would you fight? I-if we were pulled into this, would you fight?"

Sirius didn't hesitate for a second, "With everything in me. Would you, Els?"

She thought for a second, before smiling up at the boy, "I'd follow you anywhere, Sirius Black. If you fight, then you can bet your bloody arse I'll be standing right there next to you."

A genuine grin grew on the boy's face, as he held out a pinky to the girl, "So, we'll graduate from this place, protect each other at all costs, win a fucking war, get married to people and have kids, you'll name me their Godfather, and then we will live happily ever after. Deal?"

Elsie giggled and looped her pinky around his, to complete his pinky promise gesture. "You've got yourself a deal, Mr. Black. Fight, win, and then happily ever after."

The two were so wrapped up in their conversation that they didn't see a grin grow upon a certain eavesdropping Headmaster's face from across the hall. Dumbledore couldn't be prouder of the deal that his two students had made, and from that moment on, knew exactly who he could rely on when the war would begin.

When James, Remus, and Peter showed up, Sirius and Elsie decided to keep their pact to themselves. They followed their friends out to the carriages that led to Hogsmeade, and decided to forget about all prospects of war for the day. After all, they're only just kids. They deserve a little fun.

The Marauders, as soon as they arrived at the little village, headed straight for their favorite joke shop, Zonko's.

"Jamesssss," Elsie groaned, "Can you hurry up and buy what you need already?! I want to go to Honeydukes!"

"We're almost done and then we can go wherever you want, your majesty," James rolled his eyes while teasing the pleading girl.

"I'm with Tibbles on this one," Remus stated while crossing his arms over his chest, "If we don't go there soon the only chocolate that will be left is bloody white chocolate."

Losing Game/// James PotterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora