Chapter 26

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Lily guided Elsie into her room, leaving James to wait in his so the two girls could talk. The red-head sat down on her bed and patted the spot next to her, gesturing for Elsie to sit next to her. As Elsie plopped down on the bed, Lily's eyes shifted to her hands.

"I...erm...I just wanted to thank you," Lily sighed out as she began fidgeting with her hands, "How is he?"

Elsie's brows furrowed in confusion as she looked up at Lily, "Who?"

Lily's cheeks tinted pink in embarrassment as she softly let out, "Sev-erm...Snape."

Elsie suddenly understood exactly what was going through Lily's head, and why she was acting so nervous. Snape was her best friend for almost 6 years, and just because she stopped talking to him doesn't mean she stopped caring. It would be like if Elsie and James ever stopped being friends. Elsie would never stop caring about him, just like Lily would never stop caring about Snape.

In a moment of empathy, Elsie grabbed Lily's hand reassuring and found her gaze, "He's getting by, but he misses you...a lot."

Lily's eyes flashed with sorrow as she breathily spoke again, "I just...he changed so much, and he's going down a bad path that I just couldn't sit by and support him anymore."

She took a deep breath as her eyes glistened, "I've felt so guilty for leaving him like that, but when I saw what you did for him today in potions it made me somewhat relieved. Like maybe he doesn't need me in his life, but will still choose to change his ways for the better."

A tear slowly found its way down Lily's cheek, as Elsie instantly moved her hand to wipe it. "Lils, whatever path he's meant to go down he'll find his way there. Having a good influence like you in his life for so long has got to mean something to him. I can't teach him anything that you haven't already. But just believe me when I say this, you'll always have a place in his heart. Always."

Lily wrapped Elsie into a warm hug and chuckled at herself, "Bloody hell, what's happening to me? I'm crying over Snape and going to a dance with James Potter."

Elsie let out a small laugh before asking the question she knew she would come to regret asking, "Do you like him, Lils? Do you like James?"

The red-head's cheeks slightly tinted red as she once again started fidgeting with her fingers, "Well, I-I'm not sure right now. I don't think quite think I'm ready to say I like him in a romantic sense, but he is a much better guy than I originally gave him credit for. I-I'd like to maybe get to know him better first."

Elsie nodded her head and didn't want to push the subject any further, she mustered up a fake smile and commented, "You better get going, Prince Charming's anxiously waiting for you.

Lily rolled her eyes and chuckled at the girl's statement, "Let's go."

She led Elsie out of her room to find James pacing around in the common room. "Alright, Potter?" Lily curiously questioned.

He stopped walking and held out his arm to the girl in front of him, "Never been better, Lily-flower."

The two said goodbye to Elsie and made their way out of their dorm, as Elsie sadly sighed and found her way back to the Gryffindor Tower. She sulkily walked into the common room, expecting to simply go up to her room and sleep through the rest of the night when she heard someone call her name.

"Els?" A small voice asked from the couch in front of the fireplace.

Elsie looked over and saw Peter crouched into a ball on the couch with two cups of tea in front of him. She shot him a genuine smile while softly responding, "Hey, Wormy."

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