Chapter 47

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The next morning, Elsie got up early with a smile etched onto her face from last nights events. She couldn't stop thinking about the way Benjy had asked her to be his girlfriend, and she couldn't forget the heated snog session that followed it. Although things didn't escalate farther than that since she had to get back to Hogwarts, she didn't need anything more than that. Elsie had Benjy, and there was no need to rush into anything. We'll have all the time in the world to do things together...

With that in mind, she happily skipped off to the Marauders dorm to wish Remus a happy birthday. She slowly opened the door to find that her scar-faced friend was still fast asleep, Sirius being the only one awake at the moment.

"Hey, Pads," Elsie walked over to him and ruffled his hair, before scrunching her nose at the pungent smell filling her nostrils, "Godric, why does it smell like pure alcohol in here?"

Sirius chuckled before walking over to her and leaning against his bedpost, hiding something behind his back while doing so, "Prongs slept over last night, and well...we may have had a little something to drink."

"A little?" She teased him while nudging him with her elbow, before questioning him about what he was hiding, "What's behind your back, Padfoot?"

"Oh, nothing," he mischievously smirked while handing Elsie a towel and a change of clothes, "Be a doll and hold this, would you?"

"...okayy?" Elsie curiously drawled out, raising her eyebrows at her suspicious friend, "But, why can't you just put them-,"

Her sentence was cut off when the door of the room was thrown open, her mouth dropping and eyes widening at the sight before her.

"Alright, which one of you bloody twats stole my clothes?!" a butt-naked, dripping wet James Potter announced while crossing his arms over his chest and barging into the room, before locking eyes with a shocked Elsie.

Elsie stood there in complete shock, not wanting to stare at him, but her eyes betraying her. She gazed down his body until her eyes landed on his large, groin area. Suddenly, her mind began flashing images of that night during Christmas break when her and James' bodies were intimately intertwined with each other. His hands feeling their way up and down her body as hers outlined his perfect sculpture-like frame. Every and all thoughts of Benjy, slowly creeping out of her head as a bright red tint formed on her cheeks.

James noticed how Elsie couldn't take her eyes off of him, and just so happened to be holding the shower items someone had stolen from him in the bathroom. So instead of becoming flustered like he normally would in this type of situation, a confident smirk appeared on his face. The power he held in this moment was indescribable, and he decided to use that to his advantage. I literally have nothing left to lose...

"Tsk, tsk, Els," He slowly, yet surely walked towards Elsie, shaking his head teasingly while speaking in a low voice, "If you wanted to see me naked again, you could've just asked."

The small, brunette girl was frozen to her spot, as if James held all control over her. She gulped nervously as he slowly walked right up to her, not making any effort to cover his naked body. Elsie felt a lustful desire come over her and bit down on her lip anxiously to try and keep it from taking over, her eyes still stuck on James' revealed groin.

When he stopped right in front of her, James had to do everything in his power not to crash his body into hers. Not to run his hands down her body, not to slip his tongue in her mouth. He couldn't do that, which only made him want to do it more. And of course, the icing on top was seeing her bite down on her lip. Something that was so innocent, yet made the animal inside of James come barging out.

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