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"What the hell do you mean it was leaked?" I shout at my assistant Mark. My fury heightens as he explains who stole our designs. I move to my mud room with my phone on my ear as Mark explains all that has been going.

As of last year our company decided to venture into making our own lines. It seemed like a smart extension as a textile company, and indeed smart it was because it is growing exponentially. What I did not know about this industry is that designs are stolen and sold to the highest bidder.

The drive to the company is fast and reckless. My staff tries to avoid my eyes as they see the fury behind my gaze. I don't come in to work on Wednesdays yet here I am because there is a leak, I should have known something was wrong when Mark didn't show up at my apartment building at 08:00 this morning.

I pass by the secretary on the executive level asking her to call Mark and the design team to my office immediately. She stutters a soft yes before focusing her attention to the phone. Not a minute after I have sat Mark enters my office.

"Status update. Have you found the leak?" I question.

"Halifax Corp produced its summer collection and it was 100% our designs. The media is eating it up, a few have noticed the similarities between concepts. The CEO of the company Jason Halifax claims that the designs were sold to him legally. Austin Niro was the one to leak the designs."

Mark moved to take a seat as we discussed the amount that would be lost with redesign. "I don't think it would be smart for us to fully redesign sir, I think we should use the materials we have bought and use them somehow in a fresh way." Mark spoke removing his glasses.

Mark was right, redoing the collection would put us at a massive loss. "When is the meeting with the design department Mark?" I ask moving to my corner coffee bar.

"The meeting you requested will be tomorrow, with all that's been going on you forgot about the lunch meeting with Miss West this afternoon." Taking a seat back on my seat I enjoy my coffee. The caffeine hopefully will help me not go crazy.

The business is doing well enough where one failure won't run us down. This lone fact though doesn't mean I will tolerate disrespect on my teams work. I need to find a way to make Jason Halifax and Austin Niro pay.

"Mark I want you to call for the companies legal department, I want to discuss with them the possible solutions and I want you to arrange for Austin being fired. I want you to get in touch with Jewel and ask her to blacklist him. No company in this city in our industry must hire him." Mark takes notes down off all I have said before moving to the door.

"I will send them right away; I will email progress of everything else you have requested."
I admire the atmosphere of the restaurant. Miss West was set to appear at any time. Getting a call from her assistant seems to be the only good news I have received this week. The restaurant was themed in a Journey through earth in the looks of hippie. Not something I would have pegged Sahara west. There was a huge area for kids with play castles and video game station with a face painting place.

Not five minutes later she arrives, her curly hair is easy to spot. As expected she looks ravishing in a formal hot pink pant suit. Not many women could handle an ensemble like that yet she does it so effortlessly with a tot next to her.

I guess next to her would be lying as little Liam come running straight towards me. I stood up catching him as he reached our table. With him in my arms giggling we wait for his mom to reach us. When she does she greets me like any ordinary business dinner, a business dinner with her son.

I choose a meal from the Mexican side of the menu as she chooses from the African side. She plays it safe getting Liam chicken tenders as he had requested. The meal is enjoyable as Liam tells us all about how the kids in his class and him made a painting for their teacher. My attention slowly sways from him to his mother. The nurture she normally radiates shines brighter than it would normally.

Sooner than later her phone rings. She leaves not before she excuses herself. "Rome, can I please please go to the play area?" Liam asks giving me his puppy dig eyes. I glance at Sahara; her conversation seems nowhere near ending as she shouts into the phone.

"Sure Liam, we will be here." He gives me a huge smile before moving to the play area. My phone rings making me remove my eyes from Liam climbing the jungle gym. "Mark what is going on?."

"We have a problem, Mr. Halifax made an assertion that his designs had been leaked. If we were to say he has stolen ours it would weaken both our reputations. He claims that he bought the designs from Austin and they were leaked and resold to other companies." Mark exclaims speaking speedily.

"That bastard." I mutter into the phone. Sahara takes a seat. She looks at me apprehensively. I point to the play area. She nods at me her expression not lowering. "I will sort this out later. Go home Mark, good damage control." I hang up putting the phone on the table.

"What happened?" Sahara asks looking intently at me. I consider it for a while, she is far more progressed in the industry it wouldn't hurt to tell her. I spend the next half hour explaining the whole situation to her. The only time we stopped discussing was to give Liam permission to get his face painted.

"I have an idea that could help us both Mr. King. I propose we take care of Mr, Halifax together. He seems to be a problem for both of us. What do you say, want to join forces?"

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