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Like ken had said Linda was different come Monday morning. I didn’t bother to tell Jerome any of my thoughts from the last couple of days.  The way she had acted this morning made me question if I didn’t just make up everything that had happened.

Guilt was nagging at me. A part of me suspected Linda to be working for the enemy, more so. I had neglected to tell Jerome. I thought her weird behaviour was due to her betrayal but it was because she was going through the worst thing that could happen to a woman. Guilt because a part of me still suspected her.

I need to do something. The rest of the morning was spent doing research.  When it was nearing lunch time I grabbed my bag. I smiled to the employees as I walked down. My black Prada boots alerted them of my presence, some of them would visibly jump and scare upon seeing me. I grabbed my glasses from my bag and shielded my eyes. Talking a deep breath, I walked out to the awaiting car.

“Hello beautiful.” Jerome turned his phone off pocketing it. “Hey.” I smiled removing my glasses from my eyes letting them sit on top of my head. “I have to tell you something…”

The car ride was tense with Jerome just looking at me as I told him everything. “Are you sure?”
“My gut is telling me I am right.”
The trap was set. I hope I am wrong; I hope I am paranoid. The enemy would reveal themselves. If this all went well I could go back to living a normal life. I didn’t exactly know what that normal would be. I didn’t know what I would do after this.

Would I go back to the islands?
would I stay with Jerome?
Would I move to my pent house, maybe back to my family estate?
Move to a whole different place even.

Would Jerome and I even last. How would that work. It feels like our whole ‘relationship’ has been based on survival. Could we really be a normal couple? He already acts a father figure for Liam. If we broke up, how would Liam handle it? How would I handle it? When it’s just us. Without the theatrics. Would we make it?

Taking a deep breath, I push open the doors of the conference room. “Gooday ladies and gentlemen. I have called this meeting to alert you that I will be away this week. My son is sick and I will with him. Documents that need my attention can be emailed to me.”

The meeting carried on smoothly. I neatened up my desk. I gathered my things into my bag. I gave a look to the hidden camera before closing the door behind myself. The walk out of the building was heart-warming to say the least as well wishes for my son were shared.

Jerome was waiting for me by his car with a smile. We hugged in silence. Jerome opened the door to the passenger’s seat for me, I stepped into the car. I leaned over to open the door for him as he closed my door for me.

When we were finally a good minute away Jerome broke the silence. “Is everything set up?”

“Everything is set. I informed Kruvo and the team. I also informed Knox for back up. After this week everything should be back to normal.” I released a breath.

“Which normal? A lot has happened Sahara.” He had now turned to look at me. I let the question sit in the air. Every few seconds he would glance at me as he drove.

“I don’t know what normal I want. I don’t think I want it to be the normal where I work all the time, neither do I want to be hiding.” I look out of the window.
“I need a break from New York.” He sighs.

“Maybe Paris, we could walk down cobble streets to buy fresh bread from the local bakery.” I smile envisioning the scene.

“Maybe Mexico- Liam and I could teach you how to surf.” This makes me look at him, he is doing the same. We laugh.

“Yeah I don’t think so. I don’t surf- Jerome we are being tailed.”

He looks in the rear view mirror to see a black Lexus. “It’s been behind us for a while. Someone is trying to find out where we are going to be with Liam.”

A Scorned Woman Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant