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A month has gone and passed like the autumn breeze. Jerome's collection was a success and our deal regarding the textiles was profitable. We launched our collection and it was just as successful. All through the month he would ask me to go on a date with him. All through the month I said no. I now got daily deliveries of red roses. The man was persistent.

I ended my phone call with Liam laughing as we said our goodbyes. Camp life was treating him good. He was able to make friends. His social life was something I worried about for him. He was always cooped up with me 24/7. The soccer camp apparently was the best place ever. It made me happy to see him so full of life.

I move to the couch phone in hand. The gala was approaching soon; this weekend would be the night of all nights. I scroll through my Instagram looking at makeup and hair tutorials. I found myself at Jerome's page.

He had already followed me weeks ago. I look through his feed once more. His 789 334 followers were doing the most with almost every picture having more than half a million views. The one picture I found myself ending up on every time I opened my Instagram was a picture of him in the morning on his bed. It was obviously staged in a photoshoot of some sort yet his locks in the sun and sparkling emerald eyes made me think of how it would feel waking up next to him. I glanced at the roses on my island.

I move to them on a mission to find a vase. Normally i would keep them at the office but Linda had convinced me to take them home with me. The vase was found an hour later underneath the sink. I open the fridge to get a glass of water to cool me off. The water does its job clenching my thirst.

Moments later I am in my office doing work. Without Liam and everybody in the office working on the gala I didn't know how to spend my time.


I stared at my reflection in the mirror in awe. Sometimes you have to remind yourself how pretty you are by pampering yourself. I had spent the whole day at the spa.

The red dress against my skin stood out in beauty. I grab my clutch heading downstairs. The drive there is nerve wrecking. The city lights blur by me as Thomas drives. The car pulls to a stop as we arrive. Thomas moves to open the door for me offering his out. I take the hand putting a bright smile on my face.

The lights flash in my direction, the reporters scream all at once in my direction trying to get a word out of me. I only stop to take pictures for a moment before moving through the herd of people. I am lead inside the hotel to the double doors. there is a man standing at the other side.

The idea to have an announcer was Linda's. I had only agreed to it as it would alert me when Jason came. I did not though think of the alternative of me alerting him of my presence. I hope to everything holy that the narcissistic man was not timely to the event. Taking a deep breath, I move towards the announcer. "Your name ma'am?" he asks smiling polity.

"Sahara West." I smiled back. Turning to the ballroom I put a smile on my face looking straight ahead. The man walked to his podium. "Fair Lady Sahara West. Owner and C.E.O of the company in charge of this event."

I started to walk down the stairs smiling. I seemed to have drawn attention. That darn announcer with his introduction. My eyes glace at the crowd of people at the bottom of the stairs. The man I was searching for was nowhere to be found, luckily. At the desert bar was Linda talking to her boyfriend.

When I finally reach the bottom of the stairs I talk to a few executives in my company. Slowly I make my way to Linda at the dessert bar. "I still can't believe you convinced me to come this year." I spoke with a pout adorning my lips.

"I didn't think you would actually show up this year." She joked taking a bite to her cake.

"Hey Ken, how is the business?" I smile gabbing myself a cupcake.

"Hey right back at you Miss Bigshot. Business is good, not good enough to make Lin here work for me but good." He smiles putting a hand around Linda's waist kissing her temple.

Being around them reminds me that love exists, maybe just not for me. We make our way to our table joking.

After ten minutes I decide to we should go network and all. These galas were for many things; one of them being networking.

We move to Miss Ronald; she is very influential in the media business. She has shares in almost every magazine/newspaper company and publications. I grab a passing flute of champagne preparing myself for the next hour. Should have come late.

"Darling..." she starts smiling.


Linda and Ken had left my side when I had moved from Miss Ronald. The group of men around me were laughing at myself and Mr. Gage. Somehow I had forgot to uninvited him. The fake smile ornamenting my face was slowly cracking. I needed to find a way away for these sexist racist pigs. The only thing rushing through my head right now was the thought of Jason Halifax. The memory was still so fresh.

I put my belongings on the table, closing the door behind me. I had just come back from the pharmacy. Today I was supposed to be at ken's helping out as always but I felt sick this morning, as usual for the last two weeks. I decided to go buy a pregnancy test. I move slowly through the house opening the fridge to pour some lemonade.

I heard a loud thud. It made me stop drinking and start walking to Jason's office. The bodyguards were not allowed inside so it couldn't be them. The sound seemed to have stopped as I made my way towards it. I contemplated leaving it alone thinking against it.

I put my hand on the brass handle turning it slowly. A huge slap of hurt poured into my heart as I stared at Jennifer straddling Jason on the table feverishly kissing him, the gold vase I put fresh flowers in on the floor. The floodgates of tears open. My body almost puts my mind on flight mode. It feels like I am watching through someone else's eyes as I pick up the solid gold vase to throw at them. Shattering the picture window behind them starting the alarm. The startled pair move away from each other jumping off my Grandfathers hand craved desk.

"Mrs. Halifax..." Jennifer splutters. His assistant who was just a co-worker supposedly.

The room is filled with bodyguards with guns out. They slowly lower them as they study the scene. There is a moment of silence as an open shirt Jason stars at us at the doorway. "How could you?" I scream not moving from my spot.

The look of shock or doubtfully guilt leaves as he grows a wicked smile. "You can't be surprised? You didn't really think I loved you did you? Poor little thing, spoilt brat without love looking for acceptance anywhere. The only thing useful about you was your money and family name. And since you signed both those to me I wonder why I still keep you around?"

The pain intensifies as he speaks, like he had pulled a grenade that would explode only pain through me. The tears continue to fall.

"Jacob. Remove the former Mrs. Halifax from the property." he spoke with a full smile.

"May I interrupt gentlemen." A voice speaks to the left of me breaking me away from the memories. The sight of the man in the velvet black suit stops my heart.

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My updating schedule is rough sometimes. I'm trying to convince my mom to get wifi soon tho. This data thing is annoying.


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