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We hear giggling drawing our attention to Liam as he looked at his tiger face. He kept on making fake roars making himself laugh. Mr. King has stayed quiet since I had proposed my question. “We should get the check.” I speak. He nods standing up with me as we go to the bar area where we are suppost to pay.

We walk in silence to the area. He puts his hand on my arm stilting my movement. I turn to look at him. He takes two steps closer to me. His face in my vicinity. With a raised eye brow, I move back into the wall. He moves closer.

“No.” he whispers in my ear; I can feel the light stubble on his cheek as he moves back to his proper height.

“No. No to what?” I ask breathlessly as I stare into his hypnotising eyes.

“I won’t help you take care of Mr. Halifax.” He speaks gazing into my eyes.

He moves closer making us stand at chest to chest. Looking up at him he leans to my ear giving me goose bumps. “I came here because I think you are an exceptional woman; one I would love to get to know. I really do hope to see you and Liam again. Goodnight Miss. West.” He puts a kiss to my cheek before moving away.

What the bloody hell just happened?

I stand in the dim walkway for a minute before regaining my composure. I spot a head of blonde hair turning in the corner. Narrowing my eyes, I move towards it, finding no one. I move to the bar area asking for the check. “A Mr. King already paid.”

“Okay.” I smile to the worker. I turn, my smile dropping. The infuriating man left and paid the cheque. What the hell does that mean? I walk to the play area. Liam is sitting on the kids table colouring with another girl next to him. Her cute blonde hair in cute pig tails with pink scrunches in each.

I wave him over. After a minute of him waving to his new found friends he moves to me. “Look, look what I did.” He speaks excitedly almost bouncing. He shows me a picture of a dragon. The dragon is purple and green- obviously Barney inspired. The mountains around are yellow and the clouds are red.

Putting a smile to my face I crotch to his level giving him a hug. “Wow sweetie it’s so good. He even looks better than Barney.”

“You think so?” He asks shyly.

“So much better.” I speak placing a kiss to his cheek tasting some of the paint.

All through our way home he talks about Kiera- the blond girl he coloured with. My attention is on him as he raves about how it was her idea to do the mountains yellow.


Why did he say no? according to my sources Jason stole his designs and put his business at great loss. I stare at the ceiling fan as it turns. I have only known him for two days. I think he will come around, perhaps the only reason he didn’t want to partner up with me is because he already has a plan. Maybe he Is working with Jason.

My heart beats faster as I think further, a more rational part of me realises that maybe he said no because it sounded like I was proposing murder. I sit up taking a sip of water on my bed side table. I wouldn’t kill Jason. Death is not something he terrors; it would be letting him off easy.

My body heats as I remember his touch on my hand, his breath on my neck and his lips on cheek. I take in a deep breath sipping my water.

The man with brow was infuriating. He thought the dinner was a date. He wanted it to be a date. I don’t date anymore. I put the water bottle on the stand with a harsh thud. I move out of the sheets to Liam’s room.

He sleeps as an angel; I give him a kiss on the cheek before moving to switch off his night light. I close his door moving to my gym. Liam is the only man I need in my life. I work off my aggression on the punching bag in my night gown.

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Thank u so so much for the 32 reads on the today I died. You made the end of my 2020 amazing. Happy New Year! I pray for all the ones lost last year and pray for everyones safety.

Ps. Almost turned the pic uptop into the cover,decided against it.  What do u think?

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