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S A H A R A  

“Are you ready?” Jerome asked looking at me simultaneously looking at the car following us. We pulled into the drive way of the lake house. As we pulled up the the garage door opened closing behind us. We pulled in quickly. Kruvo was waiting for us in a bullet proof vest. We exited the car swiftly moving to the safe room.

The room was cold. Made from metal and concrete. We moved to the monitors on the far end taking a seat. We could see the whole scene play out on the CCTV.

The four men got out of the Lexus swiftly. In a blink of an eye a group of men approached them. Some coming from the trees, others from the food truck that was parked across the street. One of the buff men hid behind the car and started shooting. Kruvo shot him from the behind. There was no sound but we could clearly see some communication going on. The other three men got on their knees with their hands behind their heads.

Jerome swivelled my chair to face him, he put his hand partly behind my neck and on my check pulling me in for a kiss. I find myself straddling him on his chair. My body melts into his. We stay in each other’s embrace breathing heavily.

We are brought out of our bubble by our phones notification. I grab Jerome’s from his suit pocket and hand it to him. He reaches for mine in my jean back pocket handing it to me. I open it and read the message from the group chat over his shoulder. The message was from Brian.

I’m sorry to confirm your suspicions but it is her. A unit is on their way to get her. 

A lump forms in my throat as I read it. Jerome seems have read the same message as he just tries to pull me closer to him.
A video follows after the message. I play it on the monitor. The video shows Linda walking into my office. She grabs files off my desk. Midway she gets a call. "Follow them , I don't pay you to complain. I want the kid. Kill them if you have too." She drops of he call and exits the room.

The door to the safes room is unlocked revealing Kruvo.

“You guys did it. The plan worked. They confessed to being hired on the black market to kidnap Liam, by a lady of Asian descent.” With the door open the noise filters in. Sirens pierce our ears. I move out of Jerome’s lap to stand next to him.

“I want to talk to her.”
She sits completely still staring straight ahead. To look at her through this glass hurts to some point. Her normally prim self is a bit dishevelled. Her eyes look devoid of any emotion.

“This way.” Kruvo leads me away from Jerome to the interrogation room. As the door opens her demure changes. “I hope you’ve brought a lawyer.” She spits.

“I wouldn’t consider myself a lawyer. “Linda turns to look at me. Kruvo leaves closing the door behind him. She watches me as I move to the chair.


“Why what Sahara?” She laughs.

“Why did you steal from me? Why did you continuously try to hurt me and my family? Why do you hate me? How could you?”

“Its always about you. Everything about Sahara. You decide to marry Jason alone, and we have to clean up your mess. Remember the day you came to us with Thomas all bruised and pregnant. Do you?” she lets out a bitter laugh.

“March 12, a week after my third miscarriage. You came in guns blazing, you are my friend so obviously I let you stay.

Only for you to let us know you were pregnant.

Something I have always wanted.

Just like that. So bloody easy for you. My husband’s attention shifts to you.

You start a business making me your measly assistant.

After I took care of you. The business grows. I’m still your assistance.

Another miscarriage, my marriage is falling apart.

Jerome comes along. You get the happiness I deserve. But no you still don’t see it, too hung up on Jason. Can’t just get over it.

25% of even getting pregnant- even lower of it surviving.

I deserve the money. I deserve your life. YOU DON’T! Baby Tim wants a brother and that can’t happen with you around. We were going to be a family. Ken, Liam and Tim and myself but look what you’ve done.” She pulls on the cuffs and reaches to me wrapping her hands around my throat.

In the background I can hear the officers rush into the room.


I wake up with a jolt. Next to me I find Liam on the far side of the bed. The green love seat in the room occupies Jerome and Knox. A low sound comes from him as he sleeps. I sit up, leaning against the headboard. Liam rolls moving to the middle of the bed. This brings a smile to my cheeks. The reason why Liam only has a king bed and not a twin like others his age. He sleeps horridly. Linda used to call him her spider monkey.  

Her name brings a sour taste to my mouth. She hates me. I know enough not to take it to heart as she seems to have lost her mind after all her miscarriages. Maybe if I had opened up to her about my relationship with Jason and how I also have an angel babies, if I had gone somewhere else and not her house that night. If I had pushed for her to go school- I wanted to give her the position but she wasn’t qualified. If I had just given it to her anyway.

“Stop overthinking.”  Jerome sits up looking right at me.
“I cant. There are so many unanswered questions.”

“It is finally over.”

“shut up.” Knox mutters stirring up as well.

I get out of the bed heading out to the living room. The men both follow behind me.  “Fill me in.”

The majority of the night is spent talking. About Tim- Linda's first miscarriage and the psychological damage it caused. About everything. What is to happen with Linda, Ken, Jason and Jennifer. We also talk about the companies. Each decision I took with careful consideration. Consideration for the people I loved. Consideration for myself. 

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