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The fight between the black rocks and blue water was my favourite to watch. The ocean breeze breathing down on my skin was my new routine. The coffee in my hand now cold I decided to go back in the house. It was almost time to get Liam up soon anyway. As I walked through the house I opened all the windows and sliding doors. The sounds of the ocean danced in the silent home.

The concrete floor on my feet felt like home. I could never imagine going back to hardwood floors. I made, y way to the kitchen rinsing out my mug. I started on our food; breakfast roti, that had become Liam’s favourite. When the food was plated and ready I glided to Liam’s room. I thought I’d find him asleep rather he was reading Peter pan.

“Good morning love.” I smiled.
“Mama shhh…” I laughed as he barely lifted his eyes away from the book. Practically overnight he become a bookworm. His curls we in disarray looking all types of tangled.
“Five more minutes then you have to come eat breakfast. I made roti.” I gently close the door moving back to the kitchen to make Liam’s lunch. I got started on hot dog. As I was packing his fruits he made his way into the kitchen with the book in hand.

He started his climb on the stools by the island. It was abit funny to see him do it on his own. The house was not made for kids. He put his book on the counter before attempting again, this time he actually got up. “Don’t laugh.” He pouted.

I kissed his temple removing the food from the microwave placing it in front of him. "Bon appétit" I smiled.

“What does that mean mommy?”

“People say it when they are about to eat or someone else is going to eat something of theirs, it means enjoy.”

“Ohh that’s really cool. I will use that when I give Lee Rung my banana.” He smiles taking a bite.

I continue to make his lunch as he eats, “Now why would you give Lee Rung your banana?”

“I do not like bananas so Lee Rung and I swop because he loves bananas.”

“What do you swop my bananas for then young man?” I ask with an eyebrow raised.

“He gives me his litchis, his mom gets them from South Africa with all the lions and cows.” He created shapes with his hands as he explains the animals.

Our morning routine goes seamlessly. The drive to school is filled with the soundtrack of the little mermaid. We sing along to the music in harmony. As I watch him run to school I know this was the right decision. This last month of peace, no body guards is comforting.

I shuffle the plastic hearts album; I sing along to WTF do I know. The villagers look at me weirdly as I drive. The parts of my day without Liam is less memorable. I clean the house, make food and tend to my little garden. The alarm rings for me to fetch Liam. I drop my tools removing the sun hat before heading to the car.

Liam runs into the car waving like crazy to his friends. His clothes are a mess; he is covered in dirt stains more than me who was gardening.

“You won’t believe it mommy I got 67 out of 70 for my English test. It wasn’t the highest though Amaryllis got the highest so that’s abit sad.”

“Baby your mark is amazing all on its own, you don’t have to compare it to Amaryllis. Her getting a good mark too is never bad. It is better when as many people as possible win. Now let’s go get you some ice cream. Put your seat belt on.”

We get drive into town getting some ice cream, we also stop by the market place to get fresh fruits, vegetables and fish.

We walk into the house laughing our butts off. “I’m telling you mama, that fish was looking at me. I am not eating ii its- ”


“Daddy.” Jerome gasps running to the patio outside. I follow behind him.


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[Amaryllis : pronounced am-ah-RILL-is]

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