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Elle's pov

  We were at the Quidditch pitch, looking around at the familiar sight of it all. "I'll grab us some brooms, " Draco said, rubbing my shoulder and jogging to the equipment shed. I nodded and looked up. The stands were tall, much much taller than I remembered. I missed the roaring of the crowd, seeing my friends in the stands cheering for me. I was normally a chaser, so I went everywhere.

The air of the late January cold brushed against my nose, making it flame pink. I pulled up my scarf to cover my face until Draco got back. Just then, as if on cue, he was jogging towards me, carrying two broomsticks under his arm and dragging the ball trunk with his free hand.

"Awe are you cold?" he asked with a soft chuckle as he stopped in front of me, dropping the trunk. I rolled my eyes and reached out my hand, "No, I am not. Now, give me the broomstick." Draco smirked, "someone is feisty today, " he said looking me up and down. "Sure I am. The broomstick?" I said with my hand still out. Draco grabbed one of the broomsticks from under his arm, setting the other in the snow. He handed the one in his hand out to me.

But as soon as I tried to grab it, he yanked it back. "Oops, too slow, try again, " he said tilting his head. I huffed as he began to offer me the broom again, yet again, pulling it away. "Damn it, Draco! Hand me the bloody broomstick or else!" I yelled, petty anger rising in me, my hands turning into fists. Draco laughed as he looked at me.

"Or else what?" he asked raising his brows in question. I ran my tongue along the inside of my cheek, letting out a scoff. Draco shook his head with a wide smile, "thought so." I looked down, a smile slowly snaking across my face. I felt Draco gazing at me. "You're smiling, I knew you acting all tough was just an act, " he said with a laugh.

I looked up, just staring up at him. Draco looked down at me curiously, "Elle... You're starting to look kinda creepy-" Draco didn't get to finish his sentence. I jumped up on him, and with his instinct, he dropped the broom and put his hands under my thighs, holding me up. I looked down at him, a cheeky smile on my face as I flirtatiously draped my arms around the back of his neck. "What were you saying?" I asked as I raised my brows. Draco's mouth parted as he looked up at me in admiration. His adam's apple bobbed as he lightly bit his lip.

"Nothing..., " he muttered, shaking his head. I picked my arm up from behind his neck and dragged his along his jaw. I put my hand under his chin and lifted it. "Nothing?" I whispered. He shook his head. With my hand still under his chin, I caressed my thumb along his soft lower lip. I smirked as he let out a breath, visible in the cold air. I leaned down slightly, my face only centimeters away from his.

I brushed my lips against his, hitting down gently. Draco groaned against my mouth, and I grinned. I quickly hopped off his hands and kneeled for the trunk. I opened it hastily, all the while Draco was still processing what had just happened. I unbuckled the smallest ball, the snitch. It went zooming out, flying into the distance. I ran for the brooms on the snowy ground and grabbed one. I stood up and ran with it a few feet away from Draco.

I mounted it as Draco suddenly realized what was happening and looked at me with disbelief. "First one to get the snitch wins, better hurry up!" I yelled as I began to fly up. I looked down at the ground now, 15 feet below me. Draco was scurrying to his broom. Mounting it. I flew higher and higher, keeping my eyes out for a splash of gold.

I soared along with the pitch, going left and right. Draco soon caught up with me, now looking for the snitch just as intently as I was. We were both very competitive, so this was going to be fun. Not for Draco of course, because I know he's going to lose. But for me, well, it's going to be amazing winning.

A Slytherin Secret; Draco MalfoyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora