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Draco's pov

  I either had to find food fast or we wouldn't eat until tomorrow. Because if I and Elle were separated any longer something bad would definitely happen.

Then, I heard a soft crunch. I turned my head to see what the noise came from, to my surprise, it was a rabbit. Thank Merlin, food. We would have to make a fire, but that would be the easier part.

I slowly walked up to the rabbit and grabbed it. I really didn't want to kill it, but I had to.

I made my way back, it wasn't easy, but I got back to our spot. I started asking if Elle knew how to make a fire, when I looked up, she had already made one. "Finally, I started to get worried," said Elle.

"It took me a while to find something edible," I said as I placed the rabbit on a leaf. Once Elle saw it she frowned, "This is what you got, did you kill it, or was it already dead?" she asked.

I looked at the ground, I did have remorse for the thing but we needed food. "I uh, had to kill it," I said looking up at Elle. She sat still for a moment, then nodded. "It's okay Malfoy, we needed food, but are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, even though I wasn't. Elle stared into my eyes and sighed.
"Because you don't look okay, you're shaking," said Elle looking me over. I hadn't noticed I was shaking, so I stopped.

"Killing something probably isn't easy Malfoy, so it's understandable to be shaken up." Elle looked up at me, pity flashed over her face. "I don't need your pity." I spat, sitting down against the tree. "How did you start this fire by the way?" I asked her, I was actually confused, I couldn't see anything that would start a fire.

"Well, there are rocks right there, turns out they're obsidian. I just glided them back and forth until they created sparks, I had already found wood, sticks, and dry leaves by me. I put them together so that the sparks from the obsidian would light it, and thankfully it did." Exclaimed Elle, maybe she should have been put into Ravenclaw instead.

"Good job, I'll go look for a stick to cook the rabbit on, stay here," I said to Elle as I looked around for a stick. "It's not like I'm going anywhere!" yelled Elle after me, her humor made me smile.

It was now 7:30 P.M, I was cooking the rabbit for us. "How are we going to get out of here?" asked Elle as she stared into the fire. I didn't know how, honestly, I was hoping the professors would realize we were missing and look for us. Although since Elle and I are missing, they might think of something else before they think we're in danger. "Erm, I uh... I don't know." I said glancing at Elle. I could tell that she knew it wasn't going to be a good answer, but she was still disappointed.

"Me neither, It could take days, weeks even, for them to find us. I mean, is there a thing such as a tracking spell?" asked Elle looking over at me.

"Not the one we need, there's a spell that tracks underage magic, but I don't think there is one that tracks people without magic," I said as I pulled the rabbit out of the fire. "Here, eat as much as you need, I'll eat whatever's left," I said to Elle as I gave her the stick. "Malfoy, you need food too."

"Yeah, but I'll last longer without it. Besides, you need as much energy as possible so that we can try to get out of here."

Elle looked at me, paused, then slowly nodded.
"Okay, but if you pass out from lack of food, blame yourself, not me," said Elle with a laugh.
"Yeah, yeah," I said with a smile. It was around 8:30 P.M, the trees were swinging from the wind. It has dropped at least 25 degrees since this morning. Elle was laying down in the leaves, myself against the tree. She was fast asleep, as for me, couldn't get a wink of it.

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