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Draco's pov

Elle extended her arm out, waiting for me to take her hand. I studied her face, trying to get any emotions from her, but she was too blank for me to read her. I took her hand as she pulled me up from the couch, dragging me through the crowd of hot, sweaty, partying teenagers.

In what I could guess was 20 seconds, we were back in the corridor which led into the Room of Requirements. Elle still holding my hand let go, she looked back at me whilst she shrugged.

"Do you want to walk outside or walk through the dark corridors of this deranged school? Like, why would a school allow ankle-biters at the age of Eleven ride on a broomstick, like 100 feet in the air?" she asked with a hiccup as she looked at me with a confused grin.

Even though what Elle had just said was unquestionably true, I've never heard her speak about the school like that, she had always seemed to adore it. Maybe it was the effect of the alcohol seeping into her bloodstream. I only saw her have two cups of firewhisky, either she was a huge lightweight or she drank much more than she should've.

"Are you drunk?" I asked her with a raised brow, "Don't be ridiculous Malfoy, I don't... I don't get drunk." Said Elle slurring the last few words.

"Uh-huh..." I said staring into her eyes, "If you say so, and if I had to pick I would definitely choose to walk outside." I said as I started walking to the outside door, Elle quickly following behind.

We made our way outside, I had drunk more firewhisky on the journey there. I know I said that Elle was drunk, but at the moment I was probably even more messed up than her.

I had been a complete wanker, I liked the feeling of the firewhisky burning my throat; however, it was not worth getting drunk.
Bloody hell, what was I thinking? Me being drunk can ruin me, I could do something insufferably Barmy.

As I continued walking and joking with Elle, I realized I hadn't kept track of where we were walking. I looked up, my face turning pale from horror. We hadn't got our wands and we were in the forbidden forest. It's pitch black outside, and no one knows where we are. A lot of people who had gotten lost in the dark forest and never had been seen again.

"What in the Bloody hell are we going to do?!" I yelled as I paced back in forth, Elle sitting in the dirt looking up at me with a horrid appearance.

"We wield no wands, Miles! Why the hell didn't they allow wands at the party? If they allowed wands we would be more likely to get out of here. But no, now we are stuck, Merlin knows how far away from Hogwarts! With no food, no water, and no shelter!" Elle watched as I rambled to her, watching with exasperation and a wave of worry.


"Stop! Don't call me that Miles!" I yelled, she flinched at my harsh tone.

"Malfoy, you need to calm down, we have to think with a clear mindset," she said as she stood up, walking towards me. She looked me in the eyes and I looked into her. "You need to calm down," she repeated.

My worry turned into anger, but instead of towards the situation, it was towards her.

"Shut the hell up Miles, you're the reason we're here in the first place. You decided to get drunk and ask me to take a walk with you. You're such a dumbass that you made us end up here!" I shouted at her, straight in the face.

She looked down at the ground, a tear rolling down her cheek. Why the hell was she crying, this was her fault, if anything she should be saying sorry. Then out of nowhere, she hugged me, "What the-" I said confused.

A Slytherin Secret; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now